Showing posts with label ReviewerUpdates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ReviewerUpdates. Show all posts

Monday, February 03, 2025

#ReviewerUpdates with @ReaderLatte

Well this past month has been rife with ER visits and trying to survive as usual.  It is kind of sad that I wasn't on any social media accounts and not one person asked if I was ok.  But I guess that is just the way it is sometimes.  Anyway I am back to doing posts and just being super tired.  So trying to get caught up with everything so feel free to check out the new stats below!! So ya the stats are not getting better WHY are there so many books being approved all of a sudden lol.&nb...

Saturday, January 04, 2025

#ReviewerUpdate with @ReaderLatte

Hello guys and welcome to 2025!! So I was going to keep this as a weekly thing but I think this is going to be better suited for a monthly post.  I am sitting here doing posts and have gotten past reviews posted until February. So I think going forward posting this at the start of every month is just going to make more sense.  So without further ado here we go!! &nb...

Sunday, December 15, 2024

#ReviewerUpdate with @readerlatte


Sunday, December 08, 2024


Welcome to the new weekly post about how my reviewing is going. &nb...

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

My Week in Review: @ReaderLatte @CrossroadReview @BistroBookBabes

Welcome to my weekly updates of what is going on in my life, bookish stuff like updates with my TBR and reviews, What am I watching?  What movies can't I wait for etc, and of course bookstagram and social media. I hope you enjoy this resurrected meme!&nb...

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Help the Houseless!

It has been almost 5 months since we have been houseless. It hasn't been to bad until now.  As Florida heats up the car heats up even more.  And that means we are spending more money getting out of the car to stay cool.  But unfortunately there are no long term solutions to our situation.  We just don't make enough to afford rent in this area so we are just attempting to survive at this point. &nb...

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Our Situation Living in the Car Can you help? #Donate

Thought it was time for a small update.  If you didn't know myself and my family lost our rental back in Jan. and have now been living out of our cars for the last month or so.   That being said it hasn't been as bad as we were thinking it was going to be. However, we need your help to survive.  With living in the car we have noticed that we use an insane amount of gas and we could really use help with food.  We have contacted a few pantries but they wont allow us to just take what we can use.  And we don't want to waste food that someone else could use. &nb...

Saturday, June 18, 2022

End of Week Check in: How did you do?

I don't know about you but I am tired.  Today I had to take my youngest to her Gymnastics class that so far she is loving and she gets to do it for free which is awesome!  I hope that she gets to continue once Ballet starts as she has wanted to do that for ages. &nb...

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

#MidWeek Check In!

Here is your midweek check in! How are you guys doing?  This week I have been super busy and I really need a day to do nothing but lay around and watch tv or maybe just sleep. &nb...

Wednesday, June 08, 2022

#MidWeek Check In! How are you all doing this week?

How is everyone doing this week?  So far when I actually posted this. My week hasn't started to bad.  Its Monday at almost 6pm and I am sitting here doing this weeks and next weeks posts and watching Youtube.  I have to say that Youtube Premium is so worth it if you are going to watch it for any length of time.  Its nice not having ads.  It is so worth the money. &nb...

Saturday, September 28, 2019

#MyReviewUpdate October TBR books to look for in the coming month!

I really hope that you all enjoy this post.  Each month I will be sharing what I will be reading for the following month.  Reviews for these will most likely post during the end of that month as well as into the next month.  So if you want to know about a certain rating for a book please make sure to check out my end of the month post as well.   So below are titles that I want to get to this coming month of October!  Let me know what books you can't wait for in the comments below!  These are not in any kind of order. And if you click the cover you will be magically transported to Amazon!  ...

Saturday, September 21, 2019

#MyWeekInReview: Migraines SUCK but HHN is amazing!

This week I had four days with a killer migraine so that was fun!!  I have DNFed so many books this week I actually forgot the last book I read when someone asked.  And I am finally using this datebook from Owlcrate from last year.  ...

Saturday, September 14, 2019

#MyWeekInReview: Crazy Week!

Well this week has been full of a storm that never came, a dog that was driving us all nuts, a cold that I ended up not getting, and kids driving me crazy!   ...

Saturday, August 31, 2019

September TBR 18 books to look for in the coming month!

Its been a while since I did anything like this but I really hope that you all enjoy this post.  Each month I will be sharing what I will be reading for the following month.  Reviews for these will most likely post during the end of that month as well as into the next month.  So if you want to know about a certain rating for a book please make sure to check out my end of the month post as well.   So below are titles that I want to get to this coming month of September!  Let me know what books you can't wait for in the comments below!  These are not in any kind of order. And if you click the cover you...

Friday, May 10, 2019

#MyWeekInReview: 13

Welcome to this weeks My Week in Review!  This week I would give an 4 out of 5 because although it was very stressful I read so many books!!  ...

Friday, May 03, 2019

#MyWeekInReview: 12 #Giveaway

Hey guys and welcome to this week in review. Well this week started out a little better than what last week did. But unfortunately it ended on a very bad note.  Were holding out hope that somehow this year turns around and things start getting better. ...

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

My Week in Review #11

Welcome to week number 11 for me.  Each week you will get a look into my life being a mom, wife, cook, doctor, etc.  All those mom jobs that you get as soon as you have a child.  Being one you marry or actually have.  ...

Friday, April 19, 2019

#MyWeekInReview: #10 Sunburns, Sleep, and Such

This week was not fun at all!!  We decided to go to the beach this past Sunday and well although we did find some shark teeth which was freaking awesome (see pictures here) we all got sunburned very very bad.  ...

Friday, April 12, 2019

#MyWeekInReview: #9

This week is going to be a very short note about my week in review.   So how has this week gone?   I bet you can prob. guess from that gif above.  It has not gone very well.  ...

Saturday, February 23, 2019

#MyWeekInReview: #8

This week has been a lot better than last week!!!  Check out the rundown of everything thats been going on below. ...