Showing posts with label Peggy Martinez. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peggy Martinez. Show all posts

Saturday, July 13, 2013

{Review} {Release Day} Sweet Contradiction @peggysmartinez

 ***FAIR WARNING: If you are easily offended by books that happen to mention things concerning God, Religion, Etc., in a favorable or unfavorable light, then this book might not be for you.*** 

When Beth Michaels high tailed it out of the hole-in-the-road town she grew up in, she only had two goals. One—get as far away as quickly as possible, and two—never set foot in her parent’s home again. But when she receives a heart breaking call from her childhood best friend, Jen, she has no choice but to turn her ’56 Ford pickup back in the direction of Salem, Missouri to attend a funeral. 
There’s a new local in town when Beth arrives, and suddenly, it ain’t all that easy for her to remember her rules for dating. #1. Cookie-cutter-perfect guys ain’t her type. #2. Tie wearin’ and church frequentin’ is an automatic dismissal. #3. Most importantly, never date anyone from small minded, conservative, Bible-thumping towns like Salem. Unfortunately, Matthew Wright breaks all her rules and then some. 
Matt might be from a small town and have small town values, but that doesn’t mean he fits into a little slot of Beth’s preconceived notions. After all, ever so often good guys are good. Now if he could just convince Beth to let go of her past and give him a chance, he’s pretty sure there’s a whole lotta sweet under that prickly exterior. His own … Sweet Contradiction.

About The Author

My name is Peggy & I am happily married to my best friend, Omar, who loves me despite my penchant for spending too much money on books. I am a writer, book lover, sponge bob addicted, movie quoting freak & proud of it! 
   I have five wonderful children. David is my 11 year old son who loves all things fantasy like his momma...and unfortunately also shares my love of sarcasm. I have four beautiful girls; Olivia, Madelynn, Julianna, & Analise. All with their own personalities and quirks which make me love them all the more! We have been homeschooling for 3 years now & LOVE it. I hope you enjoy my blogging attempts! :)

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4 Stars

I really loved this book!  It really tells the story of when you allow your religion to run a muck!  This book really touched my heart as a story of love, friendship, and personal growth.  Everyone has to go through tough times during life and those experiences are what make us, US! But, you should always be free to choose your own path.  Like Beth who chose to rebel against her parents' lifestyle to find her own way in life.  But, from her lifestyle growing up she started to pass judgment on all religious people. and she needed to really understand that not all people are like her parents.  Matt really gave her the insight that she needed to learn this.  and with Jen she is given even more opportunities to grow.  I love that this is so not a love at first sight book.  So many people do that and I believe it really takes away from the book.
"*I received a copy of this book for free to review, this in no way influenced my review, all opinions are 100% honest and my own."