Showing posts with label Lorhainne Eckhart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lorhainne Eckhart. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2013

{Blast} The Unexpected Storm #LorhainneEckhart

The Unexpected Storm by Lorhainne Eckhart
Genre: Adult contemporary romance

He can have any woman, except the one he wants.
Candy McRae is barely making ends meet. She’s heartbroken and alone with her horses and baby donkey living hand to mouth on the most sought after oceanfront property. Everyone wants it, including the wealthy hunk who owns the estate next door. And when he offers to buy it she refuses. His first mistake was asking her out. His second was not meaning it. Even though he could solve all her problems, she’d rather sell to the devil himself.
Smart and sexy Neil Friessen is quite the catch. He’s not only drop dead gorgeous with a body women dream of. He’s wealthy, stubborn, arrogant and thoughtful. He attracts women, and million dollar deals, and plans to build a resort on the property next to his. He has the plans, the money, and the resources. The only thing standing between him and his sweet deal is the dark haired beauty who owns the property he wants.
But when a storm forces everyone to evacuate Candy refuses to leave her animals, and her property. But it’s Neil who shows up, Neil who rescues her. Except by the time he finds her vulnerable and hurt they can’t get out. Neil is alone with the one woman he’s always wanted. And he’ll have to choose between this dark haired beauty who fills his dreams every night, and building his million dollar resort.


       “They were gone.” Neil was soaking wet and out of breath by the time he yanked open the door and had to use both hands to pull it closed as the wind whipped around. “Candy, we’re leaving now, if we can still get out of here.”
       “What do you mean, ‘They were gone’? They can’t be gone!” she yelled, and Neil watched as her face took on that pasty gray white that happened to people when they heard the most awful news. She was holding that ridiculous floppy-eared donkey in her lap, with its gangly legs, as she sat awkwardly on a stool by the door.
       Of course she wasn’t going to make this easy. She was going to be difficult as all hell. He’d love to get to know this woman, and at any other time he would have enjoyed sparring a few rounds, except now was about the worst time possible. Neil took two steps toward her until he was right in her face and the donkey’s legs knocked his knees. He grabbed her shoulders and put his face inches from hers.        “You listen to me: Those horses were probably damn scared, and it looks like they kicked out those flimsy stall doors. There wasn’t much there to hold them in. We have to go.”
       “No. I’ll go find them....”
       “No, you won’t. They’ll be miles from here by now. Candy, honey, I know you love them, but animals have a sixth sense about this kind of thing. They’ll get the hell out of here, they’ll run. You know they’re prey animals, built with a fight or flight instinct that appears to have completely missed you. We have to go. Come on. Don’t fight me on this, because I’ll make you go, and you know I can. I’m not leaving you here. Candy, I promise you we’ll find them after. I’ll help you find them!” he yelled at her.
       The wind was ripping at the roof. The metal was screeching and banging, and water was dribbling through the roof as new holes seemed to pop up everywhere. Her entire ceiling now resembled a sieve. The floor was wet, and Neil could feel the way the house wanted to buckle around them. It wouldn’t be standing much longer.
       A tear slipped out, and she couldn’t wipe it away. He could tell she was embarrassed, but her hands were full with that stupid, ridiculous donkey, who was looking up at Neil absolutely petrified. He could see the thing quivering.
       “I have goats’ milk in the fridge for Ambrose. We’ll have to take it.”
       Neil didn’t wait, yanking open the fridge door. There were five bottles of milk in the fridge, and he grabbed all of them. Spotting paper bags stuffed in a cubby, he stuffed all the bottles in. “Let’s go now. Give me the donkey.” He lifted the donkey from Candy, and it started braying and kicking. He held on tightly to it and to the paper bag he scrunched in his hand. “Can you walk?”
       “Yeah, I can....”
       “Hang on to me.”
       She slid her hand into the crook of his arm, and Neil walked to the door. The donkey had calmed down, thankfully. He adjusted the bag in his hand so he could open the door, but he could feel the wind pounding and pushing against it.
       “Don’t let go.” He glanced back for a second as she tightened her grip, pressing right up against him.

2012 was an amazing year in the publishing world for me, and it started with The Forgotten Child, which landed on the Amazon bestseller list for western romance and romance series. With the publication of each novel and short story, each one made its way to the top ten for its respective genre. 2013 has seen me posted in the top 100 authors on Amazon for romantic suspense and mystery/thrillers, police procedural.

Where did it all begin? In 2008, I published my first novel, The Captain’s Lady, a contemporary military romance, through The Wild Rose Press. This year I have a crazy writing schedule with four books scheduled for release and six short stories.

I write three genres, edgy romantic suspense (Walk the Right Road Series), western romance (Finding Love ~ The Outsider Series), and young adult mystery, and I warn my readers to expect the unexpected. I’m the mother of three children, one a special needs child. We live on a small Island in the Pacific Northwest, where I advocate for the environment and the rights of special needs children. Somewhere in my busy schedule, I do find time to write. I encourage you to contact me by email; I do answer every email I receive.

Stay tuned. There is more to come from the Walk the Right Road Series and Finding Love ~ The Outsider Series. 

And to my readers and all of you who have shared my stories with your family and friends, a big heartfelt thank you.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, July 14, 2013

{Blast + Giveaway} Saved @LEckhart

Saved by Lorhainne Eckhart
Genre: Adult romance
Published May 11, 2013

Growing up I had dreams that one day I'd fall in love, get married and start a family. Then one night I was taken. But I survived, I escaped and I was saved. Eric didn't see me as  damaged. He didn't see my baby as a monster. He protected me, he kept me safe ... he saved me.


     “Thank you, Captain,” was all she said, but he could feel her stiffen even though he was no longer touching her.
     “I’ll be back later to see how you’re doing.” He didn’t know why he did it when he reached down and smoothed back the stray wisps of hair that dangled in her face.
     “Remember what I said, Abby: You’re safe here. If you’re hungry, you say something. If you’re scared, tell me. If you’re hurting, you have to speak up. No one is going to hurt you here. I don’t know how to make you believe it.”
     She was staring at him now, but for the life of him he couldn’t figure out what was going on in her head. He let out a sigh because there was nothing more he could do here. His hand was on the door, and he was about to yank it open when she said, “Captain, could you do me a favor?” He turned around and faced her and was nearly undone by her eyes, swimming with a sheen of tears.
     “Could you keep telling me I’m safe? I think if I hear you tell me over and over, I’ll start to believe it. I think I will.”

2012 was an amazing year in the publishing world for me, and it started with The Forgotten Child, which landed on the Amazon bestseller list for western romance and romance series. With the publication of each novel and short story, each one made its way to the top ten for its respective genre. 2013 has seen me posted in the top 100 authors on Amazon for romantic suspense and mystery/thrillers, police procedural.

Where did it all begin? In 2008, I published my first novel, The Captain’s Lady, a contemporary military romance, through The Wild Rose Press. This year I have a crazy writing schedule with four books scheduled for release and six short stories.

I write three genres, edgy romantic suspense (Walk the Right Road Series), western romance (Finding Love ~ The Outsider Series), and young adult mystery, and I warn my readers to expect the unexpected. I’m the mother of three children, one a special needs child. We live on a small Island in the Pacific Northwest, where I advocate for the environment and the rights of special needs children. Somewhere in my busy schedule, I do find time to write. I encourage you to contact me by email; I do answer every email I receive.

Stay tuned. There is more to come from the Walk the Right Road Series and Finding Love ~ The Outsider Series. 

And to my readers and all of you who have shared my stories with your family and friends, a big heartfelt thank you.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, July 11, 2013

{Blast} Runaway @LEckhart

Runaway by Lorhainne Eckhart
Genre: Adult contemporary romance
Kindle edition published May 29th 2013

"Where's my wife..."
Andy Friessen has been looking for Laura for six months. After she walked out with her son, no goodbye, with no money and leaving everything he bought her, behind. But he knew she'd come crawling back, she needed him. After all he married her to protect her. And any woman would give their right arm to be his wife.
And then for six months his conscience poked at what an ass he'd been: Until he's served...for divorce.
 Even though Andy is the first man she's every truly loved, and the first to break her heart, Laura plans to never see him again. After all to him she was nothing but a nuisance, someone he could order around, just another woman to warm his bed at night.
But Laura is hurt and she's thought nothing through including the fact she's keeping the biggest surprise from him yet.
She's pregnant.
And when Andy finds out ... all hell will break loose.


     Just watching the scene had something disturbing squeezing deep inside her. It wasn’t sudden; it had crept up throughout the day and through each second that Andy had spent with Gabriel tonight. He could be the perfect father, the perfect man and role model for her son. She cleared her throat but nearly choked when she whispered, “Goodnight, Gabriel. Have a good sleep.”
     This was all so confusing. What did Andy want? Why hadn’t he left, and why was he taking such an interest in Gabriel? Her throat felt all scratchy and tight, but that was only because she wanted to tuck her face in the pillow and cry those thousand tears she’d cried almost every night for Andy. All she’d ever wanted was to be loved.
     What he’d done today was horrible, cruel, and she wanted to scream and yell “Why?” He had stayed, caring for her tonight and today at the hospital in a way that made her feel important, special, but she also knew she wasn’t any of that to him, not in the way she wanted to be. It was the babies. She was just the vessel, a warm cocoon for a rich man’s babies, and that was something she could not allow herself to forget. He was powerful, he was rich, and his family was dangerous.
     “Are you all right?” He brushed his finger across her brows.
     “Yeah, fine,” she blurted as she pulled back, her skin burning from the spark of his touch.
     “You look worried about something, upset.” He was watching her, studying her as if he knew what she was thinking, and she couldn’t have that.
     “No, I’m just...” She couldn’t think of what to say when her brain suddenly blanked out. That always happened when Andy stood so close to her and watched her with compelling blue eyes that could set her soul on fire, so she shut her mouth and shook her head.
     He sat right beside her on the bed so his hip pressed into hers. She knew all too well what those slim hips and tight abs looked like naked and pressed against her hips, nestled between her thighs. It was almost too much heat for her, so she squirmed and tried to slide over and away from him.
     “You all right? You look uncomfortable.”
     He wouldn’t even look away. Uncomfortable, hell yeah. And it was all his fault. “Just stiff is all.”
     “Can I?” He rested his hand over her swollen belly, where the babies had been kicking furiously for the last hour.
     He was connecting with her babies. She wanted to scream and yell at him, “Hell no! Keep your hands off!” but her body was betraying her. The reality was that she wanted him to touch her, to run his hands over every square inch of her.
     He didn’t wait for her to say anything, but then, she couldn’t get her tongue to move. The damn thing had thickened, and her throat had completed dried up as he invaded her space. My God, he even smelled good, and his scruffy jaw...she longed to reach up and run her hands over it.
     His touch sent shockwaves through her, and the babies responded in kind. She’d swear they jumped from his touch, as if they knew that Andy was their daddy. He smiled that charming, boyish grin she’d only seen a few times. Never once had he smiled just for her.
     “Wow, that’s amazing. Did you feel that?”
     For a moment, she felt herself being pulled into his joy, just like a little boy’s first Christmas, but she had to look away, to move away from his touch, because she’d never again be treated as if she was nothing. Andy Friessen could turn on a dime, and she’d never play second again. “Yeah, I did. Listen, I’m tired.” She scooted over and lifted his hand off her belly. She couldn’t look at him even though she could feel the sharp change in him as if she’d just ripped away all his joy. So why was she feeling guilty? She wasn’t the bad guy here.

2012 was an amazing year in the publishing world for me, and it started with The Forgotten Child, which landed on the Amazon bestseller list for western romance and romance series. With the publication of each novel and short story, each one made its way to the top ten for its respective genre. 2013 has seen me posted in the top 100 authors on Amazon for romantic suspense and mystery/thrillers, police procedural.

Where did it all begin? In 2008, I published my first novel, The Captain’s Lady, a contemporary military romance, through The Wild Rose Press. This year I have a crazy writing schedule with four books scheduled for release and six short stories.

I write three genres, edgy romantic suspense (Walk the Right Road Series), western romance (Finding Love ~ The Outsider Series), and young adult mystery, and I warn my readers to expect the unexpected. I’m the mother of three children, one a special needs child. We live on a small Island in the Pacific Northwest, where I advocate for the environment and the rights of special needs children. Somewhere in my busy schedule, I do find time to write. I encourage you to contact me by email; I do answer every email I receive.

Stay tuned. There is more to come from the Walk the Right Road Series and Finding Love ~ The Outsider Series. 

And to my readers and all of you who have shared my stories with your family and friends, a big heartfelt thank you.