Wednesday, October 16, 2024

My Week in Review: @ReaderLatte @CrossroadReview @BistroBookBabes

Welcome to my weekly updates of what is going on in my life, bookish stuff like updates with my TBR and reviews, What am I watching?  What movies can't I wait for etc, and of course bookstagram and social media. I hope you enjoy this resurrected meme! 

Well life happened this week in spades.  I lost my job after trusting people that I thought were my friends.  I guess the joke was on me for that one.  Moving forward coming November we will have been homeless for 11 months which now come to think of it I think I got my math wrong.  I think we are only at 10 months in November since we became homeless in January.   Is my math matching?  Let me know in the comments.  I swear my brain is so dead right now.   

So what to do now?  I will be uber people during the times the husband is at work.  And I have already put in applications to anything and everything I could find.  Redid welfare and am just plain trying not to go insane.  As always if anyone has any ideas please let me know.  And you can always donate with my link 

We have also been playing around with the idea of moving back to Ohio come next year after we get our tax return.  But I don't think that could be a possibility without help with funds.  

So bookish stuff.  Before the above happened my reviewers dropped a ton of books in my lap.  So I will be reading my butt off trying to get caught up with all of those before the posts I have already done catch up.  So right now I am focusing on Netgalley and trying to get the 189 books done there first.  Then also tossing in some of the print copies I have.  

I have also updated my Pango Account so that is active again!!  So feel free to check out what I have posted. (there is nothing right this second but I will be posting something soon)

I have started watching High Potential which is so freaking good.  Finishing out Station 19, caught up with 911 and those shows.  We had to cancel Netflix because it's just way too expensive.  I wish they had some kind of year coupon or something.  That was how we could keep Paramount and Peacock.  But we are making do with what we have to watch. So glad we get Max for free lol. 
Hello Bookstagram so a few changes have been going on the last few days.  I am getting rid of the Wicked Dark Reader account and those items will now be posted on my personal account Reader Latte.  I have also changed Bistro Book Babes into a fully virtual book club that we will meeting Sundays at 3pm ET starting in Nov.  So make sure to join us!!  

Crossroad Reviews will stay the same but I will most likely be doing more with it in the coming weeks.  

Welp that is all for this week.  I hope you enjoyed this new redone post.  I am going to finish up getting work done here at Starbucks then it is off to do the crazy cleaning of the car out so I can uber.  Wish me luck!! 

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Read What You Love & Love What You Read!

Disclaimer: "All opinions are 100% honest and my own."  Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information. Buying via these links allows my site to get a % of the sale at no cost to you. 

FTC Guidelines: In accordance with FTC guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials for bloggers, I would like my readers to know that many of the books I review are provided to me for free by the publisher or author of the book in exchange for an honest review. If am compensated for any reviews on this site I will state that post has been sponsored. 


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