Sunday, October 20, 2024

Hey #Authors Looking for Promotion for your book? Check it out!

Crossroad Reviews Tours & Promotions
Welcome to Crossroad Reviews! We have redesigned our services to bring you the most we can to promote your book.  Please take a second to see what we now offer. 

Crossroad Reviews is currently receiving 40-80K+ views a month. 

General Information: 
  • We are currently accepting books from all genres & age groups.  
  • We are accepting books in eBook, Print, and Audio formats. 
  • Books may be self, small, or Indi Published as well as Traditional. 
  • Reviews will be posted regardless of rating. (excluding review tour) 
  • Authors will not be tagged in reviews less than 4 Stars

Accepting Books for Review: 
  • We accept eBooks through Print, Amazon Gift, Netgalley, Edelweiss, and Book Funnel 


  • All reviews will be honest opinions 
  • Reviews will be posted regardless of rating 
  • If a book is not posted on Amazon or Goodreads we can not post until one of those sites has the book listed. 

Free Reviews: Please understand that any books accepted for a free review will be added into our current reading list.  Please fill out the form below for a free review. 

Blasts: One Day: $125 | One Week: $250
Your book cover is the first thing readers see!  Readers love new covers and we love hosting them! Preorder links, specific tags, and short synopsis's can all be added to this type of post. 

Blasts are great for things such as Cover Reveals, Pre-Release Dates, Release Date, Book Trailer Reveals, Re-release of a New Title, Announcing a New Book, Sale or Promotion, ETC. Giveaways can be added to this type promotion just let us know what you want to do and we will handle every step. 

Review Tours: One Week: $300
Review tours allow readers to read real reviews from accounts across all social media accounts. 
  • All hosts are required to post 2 photos of your book. 
  • Comment on all other tour posts, Share posts of all hosts to their stories (instagram), Reshare (titkok), Twitter (retweet), Facebook (share), Website (comment on post and share to social media) 
  • Please note if a reader does not enjoy the book 3 stars and under a promo will be posted instead. 

Side Bar: $20-$100
Get your cover linked to amazon posted to our side bar. This will show your cover and link to amazon for purchase. 

Graphics: $25
Have us create you an animated or still graphic featuring your cover for $25 per graphic.  This can be for anything from quotes, cover reveals, and more!   You can see graphics that have already been made on our instagram under Graphics and Highlights.

#AuthorChat: $100
#AuthorChat is a live show on Instagram that allows readers from anywhere in the world to get to know you and your title.  It is also a great idea to do as a test run if you are getting ready to do a live interview at an event.  I have heard a bunch of authors loved doing the show because it showed them what it was going to be like.  In a very down to earth setting.  Each show is 30 minutes long and costs $50 and can be on either platform.  We do require you to send us a copy of your book so questions can be closer related to your work.  If you would like to book a show please check out the link. Check out more here

Author or Blogger Website/Blog: $1000 Flat Fee. (Blogger Only) 
I will walk you though everything from doing your .com to setting up your side bar and pages, as well as HTML posting etc.  Pretty much anything and everything you need. It will also come with 1 year of tech support for me to update things so you don't have to. Banners and Buttons will be included!   

Editing Services: $5000 per manuscript  
This will consist of emails.   Working though plot holes, story edits, character arcs, ideas and more.  We will read through your manuscript multiple times and work with you on all aspects of your story.  We have a team that will work with your book to make it the best it can be before you publish. 

Want to learn more about signing up?  Fill out the form at this link! 

Join the Conversation Online! 

We would love to chat more with you! Leave a comment below or JOIN US ON  social media to keep the conversation going and remember!! 
Read What You Love & Love What You Read!

Disclaimer: "All opinions are 100% honest and my own."  Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information. Buying via these links allows my site to get a % of the sale at no cost to you. 

FTC Guidelines: In accordance with FTC guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials for bloggers, I would like my readers to know that many of the books I review are provided to me for free by the publisher or author of the book in exchange for an honest review. If am compensated for any reviews on this site I will state that post has been sponsored. 


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