Monday, September 30, 2024

#ReleaseBoost for The Little Things in Love by M.C. Roth @GiveMeBooksPR

Title: The Little Things in Love
Author: M.C. Roth
Genres: Contemporary Gay Romance
Tropes: Finding New Love/MMM Romance
Billionaires Meet Small Town/Cowboy
Release Date: September 24, 2024


The best parts of love are the little things.
Annan is a cowboy at heart and quicker to propose than he is to fall in love. When he proposes to his most recent fling in the middle of an upscale restaurant, Elgin spots him for the first time.
Elgin is there with his husband Wallace—the man of his dreams.

When Annan’s date takes off with his car, Wallace offers him a ride home. But at the first joke in the car, Elgin feels himself slip and asks Wallace to take them to their place instead. Back at their place, Wallace calls the shots, inviting Annan in and showing him everything that love can be.

As they all make love, Annan and Elgin have no idea that Wallace has a painful agenda of his own.




M.C. Roth lives in Canada and loves every season, even the dreaded Canadian winter. She graduated with honours from the Associate Diploma Program in Veterinary Technology at the University of Guelph before choosing a different career path.

Between caring for her young son, spending time with her husband, and feeding treats to her menagerie of animals, she still spends every spare second devoted to her passion for writing.

She loves growing peppers that are hot enough to make grown men cry, but she doesn’t like spicy food herself. Her favourite thing, other than writing of course, is to find a quiet place in the wilderness and listen to the birds while dreaming about the gorgeous men in her head.


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Disclaimer: "All opinions are 100% honest and my own."  Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information. Buying via these links allows my site to get a % of the sale at no cost to you. 

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