Monday, September 09, 2024

#BookBlitz: Being A Wise Elder by Stephanie Goldenthal @RABTBookTours


Living Mindfully and Finding Rewards in the Oldest Years


Non-Fiction / Self-Help / Health

Date Published: July 2, 2024



In this book Dr. Goldenthal presents the oldest years as a stage of life with special challenges and opportunities. This time of life is the culmination of many previous life stages when we have been confronted with important issues and choices. As an elderly person herself, Dr. Goldenthal discusses the concerns people are likely to have in the oldest years. She focuses on dealing as wisely as we can with these concerns and to accept what we cannot change. When we have done this to the best of our ability, we are then free to consider what gives us pleasure and what we value most in our lives.

About the Author

Stephanie Goldenthal is a clinical psychologist whose specialty is psychoanalysis. She holds a doctorate from Hofstra University and a post-doctoral Certificate in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy from the Gordon Derner Institute at Adelphi University. Dr. Goldenthal has maintained a clinical practice for over fifty years. She lives in New York City, where she regularly enjoys concerts, plays and a variety of other cultural events.


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