Wednesday, June 19, 2024

#PreorderBlitz for Beauty and the Bosshole @GiveMeBooksPR

Title: Beauty and the Bosshole
Genre: Steamy Romantic Comedy
Tropes: Billionaire, Small Town, Woke Up
Married, Boss/Employee, He Falls First
Release Date: November 12, 2024


He wanted her to model for his company. She just wanted to save cats. How did this end with her in his bed and his ring on her finger?

I've already got a crazy mother and a meddling cousin driving me insane. I don't need a curvy little spitfire stomping around my office, giving me grief. But I do need Ava Matthews in front of the camera, modeling for my new campaign. Especially if it means getting her out of her clothes and into my bed.

Her terms? One million dollars.

I should be ashamed of how fast I accepted that deal. Spoiler Alert: I'm not. I'm not ashamed of how fast I dragged her to a chapel in Vegas and put my ring on her finger, either. And I'm absolutely not ashamed of how far I'll go to keep it there. She's mine. I'll do whatever it takes to convince her that we're permanent.

This gorgeous little cat lady is going down.

My plan for my life involved getting bossed around by my cat. It didn't include getting bossed around by Reese Donovan, bosshole extraordinaire. But I accepted a job as his assistant anyway.

I wasn't supposed to agree to model for him or wake up married to him. And I absolutely wasn't supposed to fall for the grouch. But there's something about this gorgeous man that I can't resist…especially when he's working his magic on my body.

But spinster cat lady, I can handle. Brokenhearted cat lady? Not so much.

If I'm just an elaborate game to him, I might burn his stupid company to the ground. Or use my million dollars to train attack cats. Either will do.

Prepare for the hottest mess of the year! Beauty and the Bosshole is a hilarious, full-length romantic comedy written by ten bestselling and award-winning authors, one chapter at a time, all in the name of love (and charity!). The only rules? No cheating and there must be a HEA. How do we get there? Well, ask the authors. They're the ones who did this to us. And they aren't sorry about it, either.





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 Disclaimer: "All opinions are 100% honest and my own."  Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information. Buying via these links allows my site to get a % of the sale at no cost to you. 

FTC Guidelines: In accordance with FTC guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials for bloggers, I would like my readers to know that many of the books I review are provided to me for free by the publisher or author of the book in exchange for an honest review. If am compensated for any reviews on this site I will state that post has been sponsored. 


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