Monday, June 24, 2024

#BookReview: Ignite the Sun by Hanna Howard

Synopsis: Once upon a time, there was something called the sun... In a kingdom ruled by an evil witch, the sun is just part of a legend about light-filled days of old. Luckily for everybody in the kingdom, Siria Nightingale is headed to the heart of the darkness to try and restore the light--or she will lose everything trying.

Sixteen year-old Siria Nightingale has never seen the sun. The light is dangerous, according to Queen Iyzabel, an evil witch who has shrouded the kingdom in shadow.

Siria has always hated the darkness and revels in the stories of the light-filled old days that she hears from her best friend and his grandfather. Besides them, nobody else understands her fascination with the sun, especially not her strict and demanding parents. Siria's need to please them is greater even than her fear of the dark. So she heads to the royal city--the very center of the darkness--for a chance at a place in Queen Iyzabel's court.

But what Siria discovers at the Choosing Ball sends her on a quest toward the last vestiges of the sun with a ragtag group of rebels who could help her bring back the Light... or doom the kingdom to shadow forever.


Rating: 3 Stars
My Review: 
"Ignite the Sun" by Hanna Howard is a fantasy novel that tells the story of Siria Nightingale, a girl who discovers her true identity and destiny in a world shrouded in darkness. The book's premise is intriguing, blending elements of classic fantasy with a unique focus on light and darkness.

Howard's world-building is one of the novel's highlights. The contrast between the sunlit lands and the dark kingdom creates a vivid setting that draws readers in. The magical elements are well-crafted, and the descriptions of light magic are particularly enchanting. Siria's journey from a sheltered life to embracing her true power is compelling, and her growth as a character is satisfying to follow.

However, the pacing of the story can be uneven. Some parts of the book move too quickly, glossing over important plot developments and character interactions, while other sections feel slower and less engaging. Additionally, the supporting characters, although interesting, could have been more fleshed out to enhance their roles in the story. The romance subplot, while charming, feels somewhat predictable and lacks depth.

Despite these issues, "Ignite the Sun" is an enjoyable read with a lot of heart. Its themes of self-discovery, courage, and the battle between light and darkness are timeless and resonate well. Fans of young adult fantasy looking for a light-filled adventure will find much to like in Howard's debut novel. It's a promising start that shines brightly, even if it has a few dim spots.

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 Disclaimer: "All opinions are 100% honest and my own."  Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information. Buying via these links allows my site to get a % of the sale at no cost to you. 

FTC Guidelines: In accordance with FTC guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials for bloggers, I would like my readers to know that many of the books I review are provided to me for free by the publisher or author of the book in exchange for an honest review. If am compensated for any reviews on this site I will state that post has been sponsored. 


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