Sunday, November 26, 2023

#Teaser: Journey to Bethlehem by Joseph Guy @RABTBookTours


Religion & Spirituality

Date Published: 11-25-2022

Publisher: OACC Media


Come with me to Bethlehem. A sleepy hamlet in the mountains of Southern Israel. Here we will find a newborn baby lying in a manger surrounded by his parents and barn animals.

It doesn’t seem like the most idyllic Christmas. There is no tree, no presents, and no stockings hung by the fireplace. Everything is ordinary. Jesus lying in a mound of hay is the furthest thing from extraordinary. Yet, the Savior of the world begins his first moments here in this barn, in this village.

During this journey, you will discover the true meaning of the season. It’s not the glow of lights or the smell of pine needles. We celebrate Christmas because of Jesus Christ, God’s gift to us.



Nearly 700 years before the birth of Christ, the prophet Isaiah would tell us a story of the coming Messiah. Long before a starry night and a cave outside the village of Bethlehem, we would be introduced to the story's main character, Jesus Christ. Interestingly, Isaiah would foretell the coming Messiah during one of the most traumatic times in Israel’s history.



About the Author

Joseph Guy serves as the President of Joseph Guy International Ministries, an organization dedicated to reaching people around the world through digital ministry. He is the host of the podcast Biblical Insight With Pastor Joseph, and winner of the 2022 Readers’ Favorite 5-Star Review Award. It is his goal to change the world one life at a time through the timeless message of the Gospel. The great outdoors is where you can find him when he's not building God's kingdom.


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