Thursday, August 10, 2023

#ReleaseBlitz for Kissing My Soulmate by Evan Grace @GiveMeBooksPR

Title: Kissing My Soulmate
A Kissing Games Series Standalone
Author: Evan Grace
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Tropes: Divorcing Couple/Second Chance Romance
Release Date: August 10, 2023


One look was all it took for Lorelei Mitchell to fall in love and for a little over three years, she and Jasper lived in bliss, it then all fell apart. The things she wanted were no longer the same as her husband—soon to be ex.

As Lorelei tries to navigate the new normal, she starts reevaluating everything, and as much as she misses Jasper, it’s important to be strong. She’s not about to settle for anything less than the things she wants most.

Jasper Mitchell isn’t ready to give up on his marriage, he’s never loved anyone the way he loves Lorelei. Maybe it’s time to heal old wounds and then woo his wife, showing her that they’re truly meant to be together.

It’s her and him and he’s not going down without a fight. She’s his soulmate, after all.



Free in Kindle Unlimited



All free in Kindle Unlimited


A Midwesterner and a readaholic most of her life. One day an idea came into her head and a writing career was born. She's a sucker for happily ever afters and loves creating fictional worlds that others can get lost in. She loves putting her characters through the ringer, but loves when they get to that satisfying, swoony ending. 
When the voices in her head give it a rest, which isn’t often, she can always be found with her e-reader in her hand. Some of her favorites include, Aurora Rose Reynolds, (the queen) Kristen Ashley, Kaylee Ryan, Natasha Madison, and Harper Sloan. Evan finds a lot of her inspiration in music, movies, TV shows and life. 
She's a wife to Jim and a mom to Ethan and (the real) Evan, a weightlifter, a home healthcare scheduler, and a full-time writer. How does she do it? She'll never tell.

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 Disclaimer: "All opinions are 100% honest and my own."  Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information. Buying via these links allows my site to get a % of the sale at no cost to you. 

FTC Guidelines: In accordance with FTC guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials for bloggers, I would like my readers to know that many of the books I review are provided to me for free by the publisher or author of the book in exchange for an honest review. If am compensated for any reviews on this site I will state that post has been sponsored. 


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