Tuesday, August 29, 2023

#BookReview: The Lioness and The Rat Queen (The Slickdust Trilogy #2) by @NLemelson @booksforwardpr

Synopsis: A city burning…

A murderous tycoon on the run…

And three vigilantes out for revenge…

Marcel never thought his investigations would lead to this; his once-friend Lazarus Roache turned slaver and cruel puppet master. For the good of Huile, and to salve his conscience, Marcel must take Roache down, even if that means following him into the desolate and savage reaches of the Wastes.

Yet the tycoon is not the only Wastefolk with a past with Marcel. To find the tycoon Marcel must break hardtack with an old enemy, a disgraced imperial general who he had once tried to kill, and is more than eager to return the favor. Yet she is not the greatest threat in the Wastes, for there is also a bounty hunter on his trail, the mysterious Queen of Rats, who somehow seems to somehow know Marcel’s every dark secret


Rating: 4 Stars
My Review: Although I did not read the first book in this series I didn't feel to at a loss for what I missed.  I really wouldn't know what I missed without reading book one anyway.  That being said I enjoyed it so much that I most likely will go back and read book one anyway.  This was a very interesting book that made me feel that I was reading a travel book about a journey but also a fantasy.  Lord of the Rings move over there is a new sherif in town!!  The Lioness and the Rat Queen was one of those books that made you think and have fun all at the same time.  I felt like I needed to immerse myself within its pages and when I was close to the end I didn't want to finish.   


"Part road-trip novel, part fantasy epic, The Lioness and the Rat Queen is gritty and entertaining sequel that skillfully balances humor and drama as it tells a moving story about vengeance and forgiveness. Above all, it's the characters that bring the world alive-from our three complex and layered protagonists to the wonderfully flamboyant and sinister villain."

- Aatif Rashid, author of Portrait of Sebastian Khan

"Noah Lemelson's The Lioness and the Rat Queen is a smart, unputdownable sequel set post-war where the "evil" empire wins, and the scrappy underdog rebels find themselves irrevocably tied to the person who defeated them. Its commentary on corporatism, imperialism, religion, and individualism strikes at the heart of characters who all have their own secrets. Nothing is sacred, and everything is bleak. Yet, with revenge on the horizon, hope springs." - AJ Super, Author of Erebus Dawning

"This sweeping sequel to The Sightless City shows us that even with the revelations that shook our protagonists in book one, there is still more to question, more to fear, and more to fight for. The Lioness and the Rat Queenthrows the doors of the world open wide, leading the reader on a blood-and-aether soaked quest right into the heart of the conflict that broke the world once, and may very well do it again. Marcel and Sylvaine must confront their own fears and failures if they are to catch the slippery Lazarus Roache and face the true monsters hiding in the shadow of his ego." - Casey E Berger, author of The Resonance Saga

--This text refers to the paperback edition.

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 Disclaimer: "All opinions are 100% honest and my own."  Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information. Buying via these links allows my site to get a % of the sale at no cost to you. 

FTC Guidelines: In accordance with FTC guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials for bloggers, I would like my readers to know that many of the books I review are provided to me for free by the publisher or author of the book in exchange for an honest review. If am compensated for any reviews on this site I will state that post has been sponsored. 


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