Tuesday, February 28, 2023

#ReleaseBlitz for Burning for the Truth by @ab_medley and @GiveMeBooksPR

Title: Burning for the Truth
Series: Finding the Truth #3
Author: A.B. Medley
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Tropes: Forbidden/Brother's Best Friend
Release Date: February 28, 2023


Once the fire starts, no one is safe until the smoke clears.

He’s the one who broke her heart first, the one she can’t let go, and still always saves her when it seems all hope is lost.
He’s also her brother’s best friend and way off limits.
She’s the one he dreams about, the one he’s always drawn to, but the one he keeps at arm’s length.
She was meant to walk away—he made sure of it—but he can’t stop holding onto her.
Even though she’s the one woman he can never have.
Dean and Briella think their feelings are under control—all they’ll ever be is friends—until tragedy strikes, followed by a string of mysterious fires targeting the hearts of Greendale Valley’s police and firefighters. The aftermath pushes them apart completely, only to drive them back together as they risk burning everything down in search of justice.

Will the flame between them continue to burn, or will uncovering the truth leave nothing but ashes?



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After telling me like it is, my big brother leaves me alone with my thoughts. I sit on the bed and stare at the familiar walls of my childhood bedroom. I thought I knew what heartbreak was once upon a time when I still resided in this room. And damn it, I thought I was stronger than this too. But it would seem this arsonist, this murderer, took away everything…including knowing who the hell I am.
I stand and push my shoulders back, new determination in my spine. As I head toward the patio again, I mumble to myself, “Make this right with Dean, Briella Brigg, or you won’t be able to look yourself in the eye.”
“Are you Dean’s girlfriend?” A voice startles me as I’m reaching for the doorknob. I turn quickly and find the same blonde I saw with him earlier staring at me.
“Um, who are you?” I ask quickly. I’m annoyed someone snuck up on me and irritated a perfect stranger has the audacity to ask me such a personal question.
“I’m sorry, I’m Chelsea. I was one of Dean’s nurses in the hospital. We’ve kept in touch, and I’ve really started to care about him. But he seems…unavailable. I sort of thought he might have feelings for someone else even though he said he didn’t have a girlfriend, and I thought that someone might be you. Maybe you’re his ex, and he still has feelings for you?” she tries again, seemingly intent on pursuing him if she can get the all clear from me.
“Why would you think that? You don’t even know me,” I return sharply.
“No, but I saw the way he looked at you when you got here,” she adds with a raised brow.
“And how exactly was that?” I ask, because I saw panic in his eyes—or maybe guilt that I saw him able to be happy while I’m clearly doomed never to be.
She smiles sadly before answering. “Like you were the only person in the world.”
It takes me aback. “No, you’ve got it all wrong. Dean and I are friends. I’ve known him almost my entire life. He’s my brother’s best friend. We’re going through some complicated…stuff.” It’s all I can bring myself to say.
She blinks at me. “I see. Well, forgive me. I wanted to be sure I wasn’t stepping on anyone’s toes if I asked him out.”
Oh, it’s like that. “Nope, no toes to step on here.” I smile through clenched teeth. This girl seems nice, so I don’t know why this is irritating me so badly. And if Dean can find some way to be happy after what we’re all dealing with, more power to him.
She smiles again. “Good to know.” She walks out the door leaving me standing there alone and speechless. She seems nice enough, harmless even, so why did it feel like some sort of challenge?



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A.B. Medley lives in Tennessee with the love of her life and two sons. Her husband stole her heart when she was sixteen and their relationship is one of those meant to be love stories you find in magazines and novels.

She is a dental hygienist who loves to read and has always dabbled in writing. When she’s not making people’s smiles shine, she enjoys belting out songs with her boys, dancing, raspberries, baseball, and anything vintage. Like any proper Tennessean, Sundrop is her drink of choice.

She loves her family and friends fiercely and believes in always chasing your dreams.

Deception in the Truth is her debut novel—but now she’s hooked, and there’s more to come.


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 Disclaimer: "All opinions are 100% honest and my own."  Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information. Buying via these links allows my site to get a % of the sale at no cost to you. 

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