Tuesday, September 20, 2022

#ReleaseBlitz: Moby Plays the Flute by Echo Bhatt @RABTBookTours @LlcTabletop #Giveaway


  Children's Fiction / Contemporary

Date Published: 09-20-2022

Publisher: Tabletop Publishing


Moby Plays the Flute is a heartwarming story of a young girl who learns the importance of perseverance and hard work after her father, a U.S. Marine, must leave home for a year. His last parting gift, a simple flute, becomes the tool that will ultimately show Moby what hard work is and how it can pay off BIG time.

This is more than just a children’s picture book. This story is relatable to kids of all ages as they learn, grow, and find the things in life that they are passionate about. Passion does not come without effort; something all kids learn at some point in their lives. Find out how Moby finds her passion and her resilience in Moby Plays the Flute.

About the Author

Eeha Bhatt devoted herself to writing and drawing during her school years. Many of her stories were selected for the school magazine as well as many drawings for the kid’s exhibition organized by Kala Bhavan, Visva Bharati University.

Ever since she aspired to write stories for children and convey the messages to be better with each step towards betterment. Her stories are based upon her own experiences in life, that have helped her to always move forward. She writes to tell this message to all of the kids out there.

Eeha Bhatt is a self-taught part-time artist and a full-time Japanese language interpreter/translator and teacher. She graduated from the Visva Bharati University (University in India opened by the Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore and also where Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen comes from) with a degree in Japanese Language. She completed her Masters in Japanese Language from Jawaharlal Nehru University in 2012.

Bhatt has published her artwork in Dragonfly Hopeworks's 2018 magazine of Howards County, Maryland, US. She has won an exhibition opportunity in Greenbelt Arts Center, MD, US, and an award for a Tsunami Picture collage/story at Kizuna India organized by Japan. She is currently located in Dallas, Texas, aspiring to be a full-time artist and story writer.

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 Disclaimer: "All opinions are 100% honest and my own."  Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information. Buying via these links allows my site to get a % of the sale at no cost to you. 

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