Sunday, September 11, 2022

#BookBlitz: My Emotional Self by @BookBuzznet @RABTBookTours


A Guide To Emotional Self Care

Self-Help, Self-Care, Health & Wellness

Date Published: August 14, 2022

Publisher: Broad Book Basics

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One of the most crucial things you can do for your health and well-being is practice self-care.

Even though life might be hectic and overwhelming, it's important to schedule time for self-care. Focusing on what you need when you need it with the goal of health and well-being is what self-care entails.

Resting when necessary, eating natural foods, exercising the body, meditating, maintaining good relationships, having fun, and giving up harmful behaviors or bad habits are all examples of self-care. Anything that is concerned with your wellness is on the list.

Innate wisdom takes control when the body has been mistreated long enough and self-care is not a top concern. The body transmits signals. Sometimes prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, or other harmful vices are used to ignore or suppress the warnings. It is necessary to pay attention in order to restore the body's balance.

The body's wise way of signaling that you need help is through symptoms. By digging deeper and posing the sometimes challenging questions, healing occurs. What causes this symptom to appear? What does my body say to me? What changes in behavior are necessary? Which feeling is associated with this symptom? Instead of stifling a problem, even more, further inquiries need to be made. The problem will keep returning unless the fundamental reason is fixed. The balance will exist after the underlying problem has been resolved.

Traditional Chinese medicine holds that the body links specific emotions to specific organs. The heart is connected with joy, the kidneys with fear, the liver-gallbladder with wrath, and the spleen with anxiety and overthinking. Grief has a connection to the lungs. So you may think about a potential emotional link the next time a symptom is encountered.

About the Author

My name is Venita Vance, I currently reside in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas area, but I was raised in St. Paul/Minneapolis, Minnesota. I became interested in writing just over a year ago. I have created a children’s picture book, multiple children’s coloring books, a couple of journals, and just recently three non-fiction self-care books. All books are on Amazon listed under my name or my pseudonym name of “Broad Book Basics”. My three self-care books were all launched about two weeks ago, so at this time I do not have any reviews, but I am offering free eBooks to read for five days, starting August 29th-September 2nd. Along with the release of my three books, one of them (My Emotional Self) has been selected to be promoted in New York at the “Tribeca Book Festival” in Lower Manhattan, New York on October 28th-30th, and at the “New York Library Association Book Festival” in Saratoga, New York on November 3rd-4th. I will be appearing at both festivals.

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 Disclaimer: "All opinions are 100% honest and my own."  Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information. Buying via these links allows my site to get a % of the sale at no cost to you. 

FTC Guidelines: In accordance with FTC guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials for bloggers, I would like my readers to know that many of the books I review are provided to me for free by the publisher or author of the book in exchange for an honest review. If am compensated for any reviews on this site I will state that post has been sponsored. 


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