Nonfiction / Weight-Loss
Publisher: Blue Sails Publishing Ltd
Taking charge of your health is not as easy as just buying this book. However, this book will provide you with necessary information to take that first step. Changing your lifestyle will take time, resilience, and mental strength. Taking your health seriously is the first step, confessing to yourself that you need to change.
There is always something we can alter now to benefit our future. Learn all there is to know about intermittent fasting and keto, as well as the complexity of your body’s ability to gain or lose weight and what that entails. Meaning, all your questions about weight will be answered; why do we gain weight, what influences it, how to stay motivated and transition into a healthier lifestyle? In addition, this covers the dangers of obesity, and how it affects your body in ways you wouldn’t consider.
Set yourself up for success by ignoring outdated get-thin-quick schemes and changing your perspective on health and the importance of self-love. In other words, learn to love yourself as you are, and not as you think you should be.
About the Author
Peter Vickers 29, Originally from Calgary Alberta has always enjoyed expressing his creativity in many different ways. Only in the last few years has he decided to use writing as a creative outlet. Having his fair share of hardship Peter is no stranger to negative thoughts emotions and hopes that his books may help others to lead a healthy happy life using the tips that helped him. Peter enjoys Hiking, camping and being outdoors and now lives in the beautiful okanagan where he continues to write and explore with his 3 year old lab husky mix.
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