Using simple explanations and appealing illustrations in a familiar A-to-Z format, The Young Activist's Dictionary of Social Justice will teach kids the new vocabulary of change.
Vetted by an anti-bias, anti-racism educator, this essential new resource is packed with easily understandable definitions of timely concepts. Each beautifully designed spread represents a letter and provides concise, age-appropriate definitions for 10 or more terms, with subject matter spanning issues like racial justice, climate change, gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, income disparity, voter engagement, and immigration. In addition to information, the pages are also full of inspiration: Bite-sized bios accompany key terms, illuminating the stories of justice advocates who got involved with a cause at a young age. Infographics and sidebars bring complementary concepts to life. And with the rich resource section in the back, kids can read more about how to take action on the cause that’s meaningful to them.
Read on, and let’s work together for a more equal world for all.
Audrey Faye Hendricks (arrest)
Claudette Colvin (boycott)
Iqbal Masih (child labor)
Greta Thunberg (climate justice)
Malala Yousafzai (education)
Mari Copeny (environmental racism)
Parkland Survivors (gun control)
Ruby Bridges (integration)
Frederick Douglass (literacy)
John Lewis (nonviolence)
Clara Lemlich (organize)
Marley Dias (representation)
Dolores Huerta (strike)
Jazz Jennings (transition)
Autumn Peltier (water protector)
Goodreads | Amazon
Rating: 5 Stars
My Review: This is one of those great stories that should be in every classroom. I know that I had a fun time reading this one and then I donated it to the library. I hope that more kids of all ages get to read this.
About the Author
duopress labs creates innovative books and gifts for children and adults. Recent titles include the TummyTime®, Terra Babies, SmartFlash™, and High-Contrast series; The Belly Sticker Book; 100 Pablo Picassos; My Fridge; and A Good Deck.
Andy Passchier is a non-binary illustrator from The Netherlands, currently working in the USA. Andy lives with their cats, loves to travel and draw, and enjoys all things spooky Halloween.
Ryse Tottingham (They/Them) is an LGBTQ+ advocate and an anti-bias, anti-racist educator currently living in the Bay Area of California. Ryse creates classroom resources and instructional video series to educate educators and students alike on how to increase their awareness of racial and gender injustices in the classroom as well as the world at large. --This text refers to the hardcover edition.
Andy Passchier is a non-binary illustrator from The Netherlands, currently working in the USA. Andy lives with their cats, loves to travel and draw, and enjoys all things spooky Halloween.
Ryse Tottingham (They/Them) is an LGBTQ+ advocate and an anti-bias, anti-racist educator currently living in the Bay Area of California. Ryse creates classroom resources and instructional video series to educate educators and students alike on how to increase their awareness of racial and gender injustices in the classroom as well as the world at large. --This text refers to the hardcover edition.
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