I don't know about you but I am tired. Today I had to take my youngest to her Gymnastics class that so far she is loving and she gets to do it for free which is awesome! I hope that she gets to continue once Ballet starts as she has wanted to do that for ages.
Other things we are just so tired of is trying to find food. We haven't gotten that many donations this week. So its getting space around here. I hope someone can send us a few gift cards to Walmart or Publix so we can get some food. I am still hoping that my oldest can find a job soon so well have another income to help out. They still haven't fixed my mom's SSI check so that is still up in the air.
It would be nice if I could go a year without having to ask anyone for help. But I don't see that happening anytime soon. I want to start paying off my student loans since it doesn't look like they will be forgiven. So well be looking into that next year with part of our tax return. ugh.
Here is hoping you have done better this week!
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