Need promotion, graphics, website, reviews, editing? Then check out what we have to offer below!!
Please make sure to email me at crossroadreview@gmail.com with what promotions you are looking for so we can send you a direct link with the sale cost.
We like to take a personal approach when it comes to our reviews and promotions. We hope that this allows us to get to your requests even faster!
All Reviews and PR are now through email!
Just send the information listed and you are all set!
Want to get your book reviewed? We are here to help get your title out to readers! When we review your title it will be reviewed within 4 Months of acceptance. Please check out the below information!
And send us your information today!
We accept all books! From publishers, self published, and indie published.
Formats: The following formats will be accepted.
Print: Mailed to us Directly or Purchased via Amazon (US Market)
Ebook: Through Netgalley, Edelweiss, Purchased via Amazon
Audio: Through Netgalley, Mailed to us Directly or Purchased through Audible
Honest Reviews: Reviews will be honest and posted regardless of rating.
$10 Paid Reviews
Need to get your book reviewed quickly? We now offer paid reviews. Books will be reviewed within 2 weeks of receiving the title. This can be in print or ebook (Amazon Gifted)
Want us to review your title? Follow these instructions:
Email us at witchever82@me.com
Subject: Review Request
Send: Link via Amazon(US), Format you want to send us.
Promotions allow you to get even more visibility for your title(s). These are the same type of PR you would get with a tour or book blitz. Each promotion includes Social Media Posts, Graphic (still or Animated), and Blog Posts.
You can add a review to any promotion just let us know when you request. All costs include the paypal fee.
Want us to purchase PR? Follow these instructions:
Email us at witchever82@me.com
Subject: PR Request
Send: Link via Amazon(US), Format you want to send us, Promotion you would like to purchase.
Multiple and Single Book Packages for 2022
$2000 Multiple Titles Package
2022 This is for up to 4 titles to promote.
*4 Social Media Posts Per Month (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr)
*2 Buttons per title, Featuring Your Cover (One Still and One Animated)
*4 Blog Post Per Month (Can be Guest Posts, Interviews, Reviews, and More)
*Title(s) Added to the side bar (Will link to Amazon)
*4 #AuthorChat Live Shows
$500 Single Book Package
2022 This is for authors with 1 title to promote.
*4 Social Media Posts Per Month (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr)
*2 Buttons Featuring Your Cover (Can be animated or Still)
*4 Blog Post Per Month (Can be Guest Posts, Interviews, Reviews, and More)
*Title Added to the side bar (Will link to Amazon)
*3 #AuthorChat Live Shows
Multiple and Single Book Packages
Monthly & Six Months
One Month $75
*4 Social Media Posts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr)
*1 Graphic Featuring Your Cover (Animated or Still)
*2 Blog Post (Can be Guest Posts, Interviews, Review(duplicated) , giveaway, or something else)
*Title Added to the side bar for one month (Will link to Amazon)
Three Months $150
*4 Social Media Posts Per Month (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr)
*2 Buttons Featuring Your Cover (Three Animated or Three Still)
*2 Blog Post Per Month (Can be Guest Posts, Interviews, Review, and More)
*Title Added to the side bar (Will link to Amazon)
Six Months $200
*6 Social Media Posts Per Month (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr)
*3 Buttons Featuring Your Cover (Three Animated/Three Still)
*2 Blog Post Per Month (Can be Guest Posts, Interviews, Review, and More)
*Title Added to the side bar (Will link to Amazon)
Giveaways: You can add a giveaway to any package or review. Just let us know what you want to giveaway! Don't want to deal with shipping? Let us do the shipping for you!! Giveaway items can be purchased via Amazon and sent directly to the winner.
Graphics, Side Bar Space, Website/Blog
If you are looking for other Promotions such as graphics or just being on our side bar, or maybe a website. Here are the costs for those items.
Graphics: $25 each regardless of being a still or animated.
Side Bar Space: $10 for one month (will link to Amazon)
Website/Blog: $2000 Flat Fee. (Blogger Only)
I will walk you though everything from doing your .com to setting up your side bar and pages, as well as HTML posting etc. Pretty much anything and everything you need. It will also come with 1 year of tech support for me to update things so you don't have to. Banners and Buttons will be included!
Beta Reading/Story Editing/Content Editing: $500 Flat Fee
This will consist of video chats or calls. Working though plot holes, edits, character arcs, and more. I will read through your manuscript multiple times and work with you on all aspects of your story.
Grammer/General Editing & Beta/Story/Content Editing Bundle!
$1000 Flat Fee
Get all of this at one low cost! Two people will be working in your title to make it the best possible book it can be!
#AuthorChat: Live Interview on Instagram: $20 for a 30 minute show. #AuthorChat allows authors and readers to come together in the comfort of their own homes to ask questions and meet new people! Viewers will be able to ask questions, win prizes, and interact with their favorite authors! The author will be able to share information about their book, writing, reading, host a giveaway, and more! Check out more here
Stats: Click Here
Payments: All payments are final. Each payment is considered a donation.
Refunds: No refunds will be given.
Honest Reviews Only: Costs involved are for time spent promoting on social media and/or the purchase of your title. You are not paying for a review.
Sponsored Posts will be marked as #sponsored.
Did you know that comments are DELICIOUS? Well they are and if you comment on any of these posts you could win some awesome goodies!
Don't forget to check out our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and out other social media found on the side bar!
Disclaimer: "All opinions are 100% honest and my own." Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information. Buying via these links allows my site to get a % of the sale at no cost to you.
FTC Guidelines: In accordance with FTC guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials for bloggers, I would like my readers to know that many of the books I review are provided to me for free by the publisher or author of the book in exchange for an honest review. If am compensated for any reviews on this site I will state that post has been sponsored.
FTC Guidelines: In accordance with FTC guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials for bloggers, I would like my readers to know that many of the books I review are provided to me for free by the publisher or author of the book in exchange for an honest review. If am compensated for any reviews on this site I will state that post has been sponsored.
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