Friday, February 18, 2022

#BookBlitz: @XpressoTours: Love at 20,000 Leagues by Lizzy Gayle @LizzyGayleAuth1 $10 Amazon gift card

Love at 20,000 Leagues
Lizzy Gayle
(Fantasy Resorts, #1)
Publication date: February 3rd 2022
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction

Paradise Atlantis: The underwater, high tech vacation destination where utopia awaits.

Not for Sam. Not only is she deathly afraid of being submerged under millions of tons of ocean water, she’s stuck for an entire month with the people she blames for her family falling apart. Even with the unexpected attention of two sexy men, including her longtime celebrity infatuation, Sam is sure the trip will be a nightmare.

She’s both right and wrong. A type of pressure sickness she was unprepared for hits Sam hard, causing both lowered inhibitions and blackouts. When she gives in to her desires, a passionate romance blossoms.

Unfortunately, even this steamy new relationship can’t salvage the trip when a saboteur uses the AI to commit murder – murder timed perfectly with Sam’s mysterious blackouts. Now Sam must clear her conscience by finding the truth. But is she prepared for what she’ll find? Because either she’s a killer or she’s setting herself up to be next on the growing list of victims.

“Gayle transports readers to an underwater utopia in Love at 20,000 Leagues… Devoted paranormal and sci-fi romance fans will enjoy the futuristic setting.” – Publisher’s Weekly

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“I guess this is my stop,” I said, hesitating at the threshold.

“Mine too.” Mason joined me, letting the doors slide shut behind him.

“What are you doing on the sixth floor?” I was flattered if this was his way of trying to have some more time with me.

“I wish I was hanging out with you.” He leaned close, seeming to read my mind. “Unfortunately, my dear mother has asked me to investigate a lead on the resident vandal.”

“On my floor?” I asked, curious.

“It wasn’t you, was it?” He grinned. “Personally, I think you taking a stand against my mother would be quite sexy.”

“Hate to ruin your daydream, but I was locked safely in my room last night. What have you found out so far?” I had to admit, curiosity was starting to get to me.

“That’s need-to-know.” Mason raised a hand in a Boy Scout gesture.

“What if I need to know?” I asked, stepping in close. “I can be rather convincing.”

“Do demonstrate.” Mason quirked his mouth up in the corner, and I imagined tasting those lips. “I’m not beyond bribery.”

I cleared my throat. “What exactly do you have in mind?”

“Well, you already promised me dinner this evening. What say we trade classified information for another date tomorrow? I’d say it’s a fair arrangement.” Mason’s smile nearly blinded me as sparks flew to all the right parts of my body.

I pretended to think about his offer, tilting my head and tapping my chin. “I suppose it would be acceptable. Why don’t you come in to my room, so we can talk?” Talking isn’t all I wanted to do with him.

I led the way inside my quarters to the white sofa. I sat on one end, giving Mason his choice, and crossed my legs as casually as possible.

Without hesitation, he planted himself right beside me. He wrapped one arm over the back of the cushion and tilted his body so he could face me.

“Sometime last night around two in the morning, as far as we can tell, someone took a can of spray paint and left a message at the base of the Poseidon statue.” Mason watched carefully for my reaction, I suppose knowing it was my mother’s artwork. But I needed more information to truly process this on top of everything else that had happened. Was it possible to be so overrun with emotion that at some point there wasn’t room for any more?

“What sort of message?” I asked.

Mason coughed, but it didn’t cover his laugh. “Down with the bitch. Your reign is near an end.”

“A threat against your mom?” I asked, unsure who else it could’ve meant. “Aren’t you worried?”

“Nah. You don’t get to where my mother is without making a few enemies. And let’s face it, they pegged her just right.” When he saw my face, he added, “Don’t worry, I’m sure it’s harmless. We did background checks on everyone before inviting them down here. She gets empty threats like this all the time.”

That hardly made me feel better. Who would have done that while trapped down here with her? “So…why this floor?”

Mason furrowed his brow, seeming uncomfortable. “The security footage around the area blacked out for an hour, but so did the footage all the way back to Mermaid’s Cove.”

“Let me guess. The sixth floor went out too.”

“Yep.” Mason leaned forward.

“You can’t seriously believe the person who did this is really on this floor.” I snorted.

Mason straightened in his seat. “I think it’s pretty obvious that’s precisely where they are.”

“It’s too obvious. I mean, if someone had the ability to get through your security system, why would they be stupid enough to leave you a trail right to them?”

Mason’s face blanked and then slowly broke into a smile. “Maybe we should put you in charge of the investigation.”

“Leave me out of it,” I said. “I mean yeah, I’m pissed that someone took it out on my mom’s statue, but it’s not like that’s common knowledge, so curiosity is as far as I get with this investigation. Feel free to run things by me though.”

“I’ll take you up on that. You can be my secret weapon. Of course, if you demand payment, I’m not sure what more I have to offer.” His voice lowered, sending tingles of anticipation down to my toes as he leaned in.

My heart thumped as those luscious lips finally met mine. I’d dreamed of this moment since I was twelve, and it didn’t disappoint. His tongue slipped inside my parted mouth, gently probing my own, and my entire body responded. A moan escaped from somewhere deep in my throat as his hands slid beneath my shirt, running up the sides of my ribcage.

Author Bio:

Lizzy Gayle loves paranormal so much, she lives it. She is both an author and a psychic. Between mothering her three kids, attempting to understand her rocket scientist husband, and consistently attempting to declutter her home (that she is convinced is a secret portal to a clutter-creating dimension), she does her best to use her creative gifts and share them with you. Lizzy is a people person ​so if you contact her, it will make her very happy and she will likely answer while possibly including pictures of her bunnies and/or bird.

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 Disclaimer: "All opinions are 100% honest and my own."  Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information. Buying via these links allows my site to get a % of the sale at no cost to you. 

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