Friday, May 01, 2020

#BookReview: Smash It! (Smash It! #1) by @francinasimone #SMASHIT

Synopsis: Refreshingly authentic and bold . . . a smashing #ownvoices novel from popular BookTuber Francina Simone!

Olivia "Liv" James is done with letting her insecurities get the best of her. So she does what any self-respecting hot mess of a girl who wants to SMASH junior year does. She makes a list—a F*ck It list.

Be bold—do the things that scare me.

Learn to take a compliment.

Stand out instead of back.

Now she's got a part in her school's musical production of Othello, new friends and the attention of three very different boys. In Liv's own words, “F*ck it. What’s the worst that can happen?" The answer is . . . a lot. #SMASHIT


Rating: ★★★★★
My Review: The cover is adorable the story is even better!! This retelling of Othello was one that I will not forget anytime soon and I totally need a finished copy of it!! I could not put it down and finished it in a day.  This story covered so much from body positivity to sex and friendship etc.  The pacing of course was spot on and I was addicted to every and every page!! If you are having issues accepting you for you then this book is one you totally need to read! 

Go Into This One Knowing: Body Positivity, Sex, Friendships, and more 


Francina Simone is a writer of YA Epic Urban Fantasies brimming with Magic and Moral Ambiguity.

From the time Francina Simone entered kindergarten, she loved to read and share words with her friends. When she was in the fifth-grade, she was scared to read aloud and so the teacher concluded she wasn’t very good at reading—Francina read anyway.

Francina left her middle school book club behind for the daunting and exciting life as a high school freshmen. She was quickly told Young Adult books were childish and she should concern herself with finer literature—Francina read them anyway.

Francina waved good-bye to her high school life and strutted into University with her YA books and graphic paper to take notes. She witnessed the birth of a YA trend where publishers flocked to sell their stories to teens…stories that were underdeveloped and glaring with structural issues. The message she heard as a consumer was simple—common belief is YA readers aren’t good enough readers to discern quality stories or they are too childish to tell the difference.

Francina dropped her degree in chemistry and decided enough was enough—and set out to write the quality* stories her fellow readers deserved.

After her formative years she moved to Japan, with her best-friend and husband, land of some of the worlds best story-tellers and creators of unique manga. There she worked on her stories and the quest to understand what authenticity* in story means.

Now she lives in Boise with her husband, son, cat, and Catahoula. She spends most of her time battling the terrible-twos and puppy-dom. But when things are quiet—you can hear frantically typing away; her mind far away with her characters in their quest to make the right decisions in a world brimming with magic and moral ambiguity.

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 Disclaimer: "All opinions are 100% honest and my own."  Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information. Buying via these links allows my site to get a % of the sale at no cost to you. 

FTC Guidelines: In accordance with FTC guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials for bloggers, I would like my readers to know that many of the books I review are provided to me for free by the publisher or author of the book in exchange for an honest review. If am compensated for any reviews on this site I will state that post has been sponsored. 


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