Synopsis: Each year, Democryos sends his brightest student into the war-torn countryside to work magic. But when his wife leaves him for a mysterious stranger, he finds his own life ravaged.
Forsaking the comfort of the citadel, he searches for her, traveling through the same forgotten lands where he sent his students. Along the way, he befriends an elusive member of the king’s harem, a holy man harboring guilt, and a maimed soldier. Together, they stumble upon a key—not only to the war, but to understanding the magic of voidance itself. Goodreads | Amazon
D.M. Wozniak is not nearly as interesting as the worlds and characters he creates, except, perhaps, for the fact that he has six children - three of whom are triplets. He lives in the close suburbs of Chicago with his wife Michele, five daughters, one son, and a massive labrador. He’s not sure if his home would be part of Bluecore 1C or in the Redlands.
For decades he has been reading speculative fiction novels by the likes of Gene Wolfe, Dan Simmons, Neil Stephenson, and Patrick Rothfuss, and somehow found the time to write one of his own. And then one became two.
Rating: ★★ My Review: This was a very confusing title. I grabbed this one because of the cover but I ended having to read parts over again just to make sure I grasp what was going on. I loved the cover and the premise but when it came to actually reading the story it just wasn't for me. I wished it would have just had more to it and explained things better.
"Wozniak's medieval world, as described, is a beautiful one; from the sky, it "looks like thousands of curved pieces of glass" covering everything "in blues and greens." The book also wonderfully handles the notion of a preindustrial society discovering the atomic structure of nature. Yet the plot's human elements--which include romance, drug addiction, and trust across philosophical lines--often shine brightest. Revelations and combat converge in the propulsive finale, and Wozniak's strong imagination will rope fans in." - Kirkus Reviews
"Wozniak has crafted a brilliant new angle on the use of magic, and demonstrates his power as a storyteller from the very first page. He does an excellent job of blending riveting action and magic with the depth of emotion more often found in literary fiction."
- Self-Publishing Review
"This is inspired writing, and a truly excellent, sometimes heart-stopping, sometimes explosive, science-fiction/fantasy read."
- Joel R. Dennstedt (Indie Reviews)
"A parable of almost biblical proportions...The Indivisible and the Void comes highly recommended for fans who want an epic world to envelop them."
- Readers' Favorite (Five Stars)
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This is a world divided by blood – red or silver. The Reds are commoners, ruled by a Silver elite in possession ...
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Our Ratings
5 Stars - Exceptional Read
It was an exceptional book. We couldn't get the book out of our heads and couldn't put it down. I want to marry this book!
4 Stars -Enjoyable Read
This book was amazing, enjoyable and we loved it. But something didnt work out. We'll let you know in the review.
3 Stars-Acceptable Read
The book was meh. Story had issues with it. Would not read the book again if given the chance.
2 Stars- Unpleasant Read
Very unpleasant book. Issues that ruined the story/plot etc. We will let you know our thoughts in the review.
1 Star - Failed Read
1 star is still our go to for anything we DNF. These ratings mean that the book was just horrible and we could not finish it at all. Well let you know why in the review.
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