About the Book:
It’s summer romance and second chances, the songs that stay in your head, and the boy you’ll never forget.
Two years after rock-song-worthy heartbreak, Virginia Miller is looking forward to a fun, carefree summer. Her friends just landed a spot on a battling bands reality show, and Vee is joining them for her dream internship on tour. Three months with future rockstars seems like an epic summer plan. Until she learns she’ll also be sharing the bus with Cam. Her first love, and her first heartbreak. Now Vee has more than just cameras to dodge, and Cam’s determination to win her forgiveness is causing TMZ-worthy problems for both of them. With cameras rolling, she’ll have to decide if her favorite breakup anthem deserves a new ending. And if she’s brave enough to expose her own secrets to keep Cam’s under wraps.
Jessica Pennington is no stranger to the combination of love and drama. She’s a wedding planner, after all. A writer since the age of ten—when she sought publication for her poem about a tree—Jessica likes the challenge of finding the humor in a sad situation or highlighting the awkwardness in a romantic one. She lives in a Michigan beach town suspiciously similar to the one in her novel, with her husband Josh and their son, Rory. Love Songs & Other Lies is her debut novel.
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Recommend this book? Yes
This one started out with SO much snark and it kept most of that throughout the book. I felt that parts of it were very funny and others very serious. It had a good blend of humor and drama and felt very well rounded as a story. I thought that this one with the ages of the characters since it switches back an forth between them being 16-18 and then 18-20 it would work well as a transition book for those who are moving towards New Adult titles.
The characters in this one were all amazing and I hope that in the future we get to see more of them in other books. I know I always say this as its so hard to let characters go once you fall in love with them. This one is no different. It really made me feel like I was reading a book via one of my favorite authors Collen Hoover her stories have a way of drawing you in with her flawed and broken characters and making you want to make everything better and this is how I really felt about with Cameron (aka. Cam) he was in such a bad place and just couldn't move past what had happened in his past and I fully understand how he felt like he couldn't really talk to anyone. How people back home looked at him. He felt like he needed a new start without any judgment. This made him seem so real while reading his parts. The mystery surrounding his past was done so well that you knew something was up but you just didn't know what. You knew something bad had happened but you just didn't have the entire picture.
The same thing went for Virginia (aka. Vee) although her situation was a LOT less of what Cam was going through. She still had her issues which also made her feel very real. Although she wasn't broken like Cam was she did have her own small mystery to deal with as well as a slightly larger situation to deal with as well. (sorry no spoilers here) I did feel like this story was more about Cam than it was Vee. But that is mostly because it just felt like a lot of Vee's story was kind of glossed over. I did love the reveal towards the end of the book about her though. I did NOT see that coming at all. And man o man was I shocked when she took the stage and told us what was up. LIKE really the author did a WONDERFUL job keeping that entire thing a secret!
To wrap this one up it was an amazing story about moving on, learning to go after your dreams, and not to let love slip through your fingers because you're scared. You need to put yourself out there because its ok to say YES! (but, of course, don't be an idiot!! You do NOT want to be the next missing person out there! That was pretty good advice from Vee if you ask me!! Be smart but be daring!)
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