About the Book:
It was Valentine’s Day when I found out I was pregnant.
When I came home to share the good news, I also found out what my fiancé really did for a living.
In the worst possible way.
And then he asked me to help him clean the bloodstains out of the carpet.
I refused.
He said it was fine. He would just have it replaced with hardwood floors.
But I really liked that carpet.
Like our relationship, the carpet was ruined forever.
I knew I had a terrible choice to make.
I knew I had to get away.
When I met her she was a fallen princess.
I did everything to help her get back on her feet. I paid her tuition, I bought her a house.
I held her when she cried. I listened. I got her the car she wanted. I bought her Louboutins when she graduated– anything to make her happy. Anything to put a smile on her beautiful face.
She never asked how. She never questioned it.
Okay, so I wasn’t exactly honest when I said I worked in life insurance. I mean, I do help people collect life insurance policies. The technicalities aren’t important.
And she had the audacity to look at me like that! Like I was the lowest scum on earth. Like I was a scrub from that damned TLC song.
I may be a hitman, but I am not a scrub.
Doesn’t she understand? Everything I’ve done, I did it for her. And our baby.
And if she thinks she’s getting away from me that easily, she has another thing coming.

Author Bio:
USA Today bestselling author Loretta Lost writes to experience all the love and excitement that can often be lacking from real life. She finds it therapeutic to explore her issues through the eyes of a different person. She hopes to have a family someday, but until then her characters will do nicely.
Follow @loretta.lost on Instagram for cute photos of her cat reading books. He refuses to cooperate unless they are really good books.
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