Thursday, December 28, 2017

#BookReview: Cold War on Maplewood Street by Gayle Rosengren

About the Book: 

Cold War anxieties play out in a sensitively told story set during the Cuban missile crisis in the 1960s, perfect for fans of Gary Schmidt and Kristin Levine. 

Joanna can’t get over how her brother broke his promise to never leave like their dad did. Sam is thousands of miles away on a navy ship, and no matter how often he sends letters, Joanna refuses to write back. When she makes a promise, she keeps it.

But then President Kennedy comes on TV with frightening news about Soviet missiles in Cuba—and that’s where Sam’s heading. Suddenly Joanna’s worries about being home alone, building up the courage to talk to a cute boy, and not being allowed to go to the first boy-girl party in her grade don’t seem so important. Maybe sometimes there are good reasons to break a promise.

The tense timeline of the Cuban missile crisis unfolds alongside a powerful, and ultimately hopeful, story about what it means to grow up in a world full of uncertainty.

Reviewed By: Lauren 
Publisher: G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers
Recommended Age: Middle Grade
Genre: Historical Fiction 
How I Acquired this book: Author 
Overall rating: ★★★★
Goodreads | Amazon
About the Author:
 Gayle Rosengren grew up in Chicago. She enjoyed school, was a voracious reader, and loved dogs and horses. She attended Knox College, where she majored in creative writing and was the editor of the literary magazine. Now Gayle writes full-time just outside of Madison, Wisconsin, where she lives with her husband, Don, and their slightly neurotic rescue dog, Fiona.

Noteworthy experiences while reading this book: This one was well paced and although I wish it would have been higher teen it was still a great book.  

Check out author's other books?  Yes
Recommend this book? If you are a fan of middle grade historical fiction then you might love this one. 

Notes and Opinions:  This one was wonderfully paced. I think it would be great for middle school kids to check out. As we will be donating out copy to the school.  This one follows Joanna and is about friends, family, and the Cold War.  I really loved all of the details that are presented in this story.  If you are a fan of historical fiction then you should check this one out. 

Go Into This One Knowing: Lots of details! 


Mom came through the door with a whoosh of cool air.

Joanna sprang up from the floor. “You’re home early! I’m so glad. Did you hear the president’s speech?”

Mom wrapped Joanna in a hug. “Yes, Jo, I heard.”

“Do-do you think there’s going to be a war?” It seemed impossible that Joanna was even asking such a question. War was something that happened in other countries, not here in the United States. Not in Chicago on Maplewood Street.

“Of course not,” Mom said, stroking Joanna’s curls.

“Gram thinks there might be,” Joanna said, her cheek still pressed into Mom’s coat. “She said that Sam will be right in the middle of it.” 

 Disclaimer: "All opinions are 100% honest and my own."  Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information. Buying via these links allows my site to get a % of the sale at no cost to you. This money gets used to buy items for giveaways. 

FTC Guidelines: In accordance with FTC guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials for bloggers, I would like my readers to know that many of the books I review are provided to me for free by the publisher or author of the book in exchange for an honest review. If am compensated for any reviews on this site I will state that post has been sponsored. 

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