Saturday, August 12, 2017

#CQWeek2017: Funeral Games by @colin_heintze #Giveaway #BookReview @CuriosityQuills

Welcome to this year's #CQWeek were so excited to share these titles with you!  We loved this title and the story was so good!  Check it out and don't forget to enter the giveaway and come back later for more! 

Ingerval is the Country of the Dead. Despised by the wider world, blighted by history, since the beginning of time it has honored one law: the Dead rule, and the Living submit. No one remembers why Ingerval nobles return as ghosts after their deaths. To enjoy a brief life of pleasure and plenty, followed by an eternity of reigning from beyond the grave, is the fate of all Ingerval lords. All but one. 

As the youngest son of the King's third wife, Syphax never thought he would amount to anything. He is content to live out a contemplative life free from the scourges of power and politics that infatuate his peers. But, after answering a summons to the Palace – a sprawling, ever-expanding repository for Ingerval's ghosts – he finds himself at the heart of a dynastic struggle centuries in the making.

Funerals are happy occasions in Ingerval, and the King is planning for his to be the most decadent in the country's long memory. He does not know that, unlike every lord before him, he will not return to rule alongside his ancestors. He will die the true death, sparking a succession crisis that throws the noble families into chaos. Amidst the violence and intrigue, Syphax alone asks, "What really happened to the King?" The deeper Syphax digs, the more he realizes these events are connected to others dating back to the founding of his father's dynasty. 

Let the games begin.

Colin Heintze is a Colorado native whose developing young mind was warped by the likes of Ray Harryhausen, Frank Frazetta, Neil Gaiman, and Joe Bob Briggs. After a brief post-college career in East Asia and the Middle East, he returned to Colorado to become a civil servant.

I woudl have to say that this cover doesn't do this book justice.  This book does a great job of pulling you into the story early on.  The story was well paced and the characters were great. This one was also full of twists and turns and some really great suprises. It was a very interesting story and something that hasn't been done.  If your looking for something new here is one to take a look at. 

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

 Disclaimer: "All opinions are 100% honest and my own."  Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information. Buying via these links allows my site to get a % of the sale at no cost to you. This money gets used to buy items for giveaways. 

FTC Guidelines: In accordance with FTC guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials for bloggers, I would like my readers to know that many of the books I review are provided to me for free by the publisher or author of the book in exchange for an honest review. If am compensated for any reviews on this site I will state that post has been sponsored. 

Donations: All donations are to help keep this site running via costs from shipping, .com charges, and other giveaways.

Comments are DELICIOUS! and now that were using this new format for comments the TOP 3 Commenters will all win bookish goodies each month! So that is just one more reason to comment!  This is open to everyone!  So get commenting!  

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