Fiona doesn't remember going to sleep. But she has woken to find her entire world has changed - her house is abandoned and broken, and her neighbourhood is barren and dead. Even stranger is the tattoo on her right wrist that she doesn't remember getting but somehow knows she must cover at any cost. And she's right. When the honeybee population collapsed, a worldwide pandemic occurred and the government tried to bio-engineer a cure. But instead the vaccination turned people into ferocious, deadly beasts. They have been branded as a warning to unvaccinated survivors. Key people needed to rebuild society are protected inside a fortress-like wall. Fiona has awakened branded, alone and on the wrong side of the wall . . .

Bethany Wiggins has always been an avid reader, but not an avid writer. She failed ninth grade English because she read novels instead of doing her homework. In high school, she sat alone at lunch and read massive hardback fantasy novels (Tad Williams and Robert Jordan anyone?). It wasn't until the end of her senior year that the other students realized she was reading fiction--not the Bible
Several years later, Bethany's sister dared her to start writing an hour a day until she completed a novel. Bethany wrote a seven-hundred page fantasy novel that she wisely let no one read--but it taught her how to write. The rest is history.
Several years later, Bethany's sister dared her to start writing an hour a day until she completed a novel. Bethany wrote a seven-hundred page fantasy novel that she wisely let no one read--but it taught her how to write. The rest is history.
To start I really loved how this author always makes me cry! Her other book Shifting does it in spades! I also love how she can create this intertwining story using a small town. Because that's just what she did with this book! Everything happens in one town but it feels like you have traveled great distances. So it just makes it more amazing! This has sat on my TBR shelf for a while now (around 3 years) and I'm so happy that I finally got to read it!
The characters in this one were great! We really don't have a lot of them but it still feels like a full cast! I won't go into to much as I don't want to give stuff away. But my fav would have to be the two main ones!
Honey is the new currency! I really loved this idea! This is another thing I can't go to much into since it would giveaway the mystery. But it's so well thought out.
The mystery in this one was done so well! As Fiona starts remembering we learn about the past through her eyes and the author did an amazing job with it. No info dumping to be seen. The mystery is unfolded seamlessly in this story.
Book in a Pinch
Dystopian where Honey and Monsters Rule the World!
Go Into This One Knowing
No cliffhanger, No info dumping, Great Ending!
"All opinions are 100% honest and my own."
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