So if you have seen my calendar you know we post a lot! Last year I took on a co blogger so now its two of us. But even with that its easy to get burned out. Reading non stop has its + and - so here are a few and what you can do as a reader or blogger not to get burned out.
We post about 100+ posts a month and in the last few months we have learned to pace ourselves.
So here is a great tip!
1. Don't read before bed!
Don't read back to back! When I finish a book if there is less than 5 hours before its midnight I don't pick up a new book before bed. Ive noticed that reading right before bed makes it so I of course don't want to put the book down and it keeps my mind running and I end up getting a crapy sleep.
So if you are a read before bed kinda person go a week without reading before bed. See if you sleep better.
2. Social Media
Being a book blogger I try to post to Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram every day but lately ive noticed that Ive been ignoring it just a little. The best thing to do with Social Media is plan ahead. Know what pictures you want to take, spend a day take all of the pictures then all you need to do is post them. You could use hoot suite for Facebook and twitter. But for me this just makes it easier. If I have all the pictures done it takes me a few seconds to hop on my phone and make a posts up.
3. Reviews
Reviewing can suck the joy and life out of reading. So we've learned to do them in advance. The best way to make up reviews is take a day make up the next three books your going to read then just save them. So then when your done you just need to add your review. It makes things go so much faster.
So here are our tips. I hope you enjoy them! If you have a great tip please leave it in the comments below!
"All opinions are 100% honest and my own."
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I would add to cut back on tours, review requests, and requesting ARCs. That's what I have had to do.
I agree about getting reviews ready ahead of time. I always have multiple drafts made for myself and the other blogger on my site. That way, I don't have to take the time to set up the post. All I have to do is add my review.
My Most Recent Discussion
Oh my goodness, I'm trying to wrap my mind around 100 posts a month-I do 4-6 lol.
I don't do social media besides commenting on blogs (I have very little free time and need to chose carefully where I spend it lol), and I ditched writing reviews a while back for the exact reason you listed- reviewing can suck the joy and life out of reading. I wasn't enjoying them and they made reading a chore. I cut them out and haven't missed writing them at all :)
Good discussion post!
I might have to try setting up the posts before I start a book for review. The push before and not after might help. :)
You DO post a lot!! I have to confess that I don't think I could keep up with your schedule. Oh, and not reading before bed would be IMPOSSIBLE for me - I always read before bed - and I often pay the price. LOL!! I think you give great advice, though, for those who are wise enough to heed it. :-)
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
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