The Haves. The Have-Nots. Kate O’Brien appears to be a Have-Not. Her whole life has been a series of setbacks she’s had to snake her way out of—some more sinister than others. But she’s determined to change that. She’s book smart. She’s street-smart. Oh, and she’s also a masterful liar.
As the scholarship student at the Waverly School in NYC, Kate has her work cut out for her: her plan is to climb the social ladder and land a spot at Yale. She’s already found her “people” among the senior class “it” girls—specifically in the cosseted, mega-wealthy yet deeply damaged Olivia Sumner. As for Olivia, she considers Kate the best friend she’s always needed, the sister she never had.
When the handsome and whip-smart Mark Redkin joins the Waverly administration, he immediately charms his way into the faculty’s and students’ lives—becoming especially close to Olivia, a fact she’s intent on keeping to herself. It becomes increasingly obvious that Redkin poses a threat to Kate, too, in a way she can’t reveal—and can’t afford to ignore. How close can Kate and Olivia get to Mark without having to share their dark pasts?

TERESA TOTEN won the Schneider Family Book Award and Canada's Governor General's Literary Award for The Unlikely Hero of Room 13B. She is also the author of the acclaimed Blondes series, as well as The Game, The Onlyhouse, and, with Eric Walters, The Taming. Teresa Toten lives in Toronto.
Visit her online at teresatoten.com and on Facebook, and follow @TTotenAuthor on Twitter.
I was so excited to get this book from both BEA and Night Owl Reviews. But what we found was a book that was way different than I thought it was going to be. This book is full of abuse and it seems that that is the main plot. Almost all the characters had stereotypes and were pretty shallow rich girls. With drug addictions etc. You pretty much knew who the bag guy was early on to so there was no real mystery to this would be thriller.
The twist at the ending really wasnt there as most I believe will guess it before it comes to the reveal. The other thing about it was that the ending just seemed silly and kinda stupid.
I ended up quiting around 20% and just skipped to the last few chapters because I wanted to see what happened. But it was just as bad as what I was reading. And although this one is quoted as being like Gone Girl and We were liars this is nothing like those two amazing reads.
"All opinions are 100% honest and my own."
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