Moretz gets down and dirty with YA '5th Wave
Read the Book First?
If you are going to watch this movie do you need to read the book first? I don't think so for me I really didnt like the book. The movie however looks amazing. In the book the was great but the way it was written just didnt work for me.
For me any movie should be able to stand on its own two feet. Without having to read the book. However some people like me are obsessed with reading the book first. So here is the link for that.

If your the other side of the coin and you really don't care about reading the book before the movie or you watch the movie first. I think from watching the previews that this movie is going to be amazing. Ive already seen so much that I can pick out from the book so with all of this combined I think this is going to be a high action movie that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat.
So when are you watching the movie? For me because of cost Ill be watching it on Sat. morning Really REALLY wish I could go to the 10pm showing tonight but unless someone sends me some free tickets lol thats um not going to happen.
Let us know in the comments what your planning to do? Watch the movie then read the book, Read the book then watch the movie, Read the book and not watch the movie, Watch the movie and not read the book?
Make sure to join us next Friday (Jan29th) for our review of the movie!
"All opinions are 100% honest and my own."
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The 5th wave en ligne : http://kungfupanda3fullmovie.info
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