Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Crimson Tree Publishing is excited to bring you A Light In The Dark, the latest book in the Fallout Series by Becky Doughty.

On stage, Tish Ransome sings about heartache and passion, betrayal, and about love gone wrong… but she knows very little about any of it in real life. The rockstar princess who swears like a pirate—literally—is loved and adored by family, friends, and fans alike, and her world is filled with good things, her future bright.
Behind the scenes, however, trouble is brewing. When Tom, her best friend and co-founder of the Marauders, tells her he's leaving the band after graduation, Tish must find a new wingman to step into Tom's hard-to-fill shoes. The moment she hears Sebastian Jeffries play, she knows he's the one.
Yet with Sebastian comes a taste of the things Tish only writes about, and she can't resist the lure of the tortured artist. Sebastian, likewise, is drawn to Tish's brilliance, but like a moth that hovers too close to the flames, is he killing himself just to be near her? Can Tish save Sebastian before it's too late, or will he pull her down into the darkness with him?

 Crimson Tree Publishing is excited to bring you A Light In The Dark, the latest book in the Fallout Series by Becky Doughty.


My first encounter with Sebastian Jeffries was in Mr. Hyde’s Music Theory III class. It was the only night class on my schedule, but I still knew most of the other students in the room since this was my third year at Mid-U. So when Sebastian slipped in a few minutes before seven PM about two weeks into the semester, I noticed. We all did. He dipped his head once at Mr. Hyde who greeted him likewise, and the class went momentarily silent, openly watching him make his way to a seat. I couldn’t speak for anyone else, but my silence was due to appreciation. It was almost February and it was cold, even for Southern California, but in spite of the bulky layers he wore, I could tell he was a big guy. Almost as big as Tom, in fact. That alone was enough to get my attention. If I took a deep breath and held it, I didn’t quite hit 5’1” at the doctor’s office, so I was probably hyper-aware of tall people. But add in the Elvis Presley coif with the chunk of hair that kept falling over his left eye, coupled with the whole Judd Nelson/John Bender/Breakfast Club perusal of the room from the back row? I was totally into that. When our eyes met, I gave him a half-smile by way of greeting, but I did my best to send an invitation with my eyes. I’d like to get to know you, Mr. New Guy.
Mr. New Guy didn’t smile back, but he didn’t look away first.

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All The Way To Heaven (Fallout Series Book One)

Anica Tomlin, business major, has just learned that the man she's been planning her future around, her Global Finance professor, already has a beautiful wife and family. Ani cashes in her graduation gift to herself a little early a trip to Tuscany but from the moment she boards the wrong train in Pisa, her plans for solitude and self-indulgence begin to unravel around her.

When a bicycle accident thrusts Ani into the skilled hands of the dashing Dr. Cosimo Lazzaro, she reluctantly accepts his invitation to recover in his family's country villa, perched on a hilltop surrounded by the Lazzaro olive groves. But it's been a black year for olive growers all over Italy, and generations of tradition are being put to the test like never before.

Ani is swept up in the drama of life in Tuscany, the convergence of old and new, and the passions that drive people to pursue the desires of their hearts. Just as Ani begins to get her feet under her again, an unexpected turn of events leaves her doubting the very existence of happily-ever-after, unless she can learn to trust the desires of her own heart.

Watch The Trailer:


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About The Author:

Becky Doughty is the author of the award-winning Elderberry Croft series and the voice behind BraveHeart Audiobooks. “I write fiction, mainly because nonfiction is hard! Yes, I’ve tried. Let’s just say I like to color outside the lines when it comes to sticking to facts…or anything else, for that matter. I write Women’s Fiction with strong elements of romance and Young Adult/New Adult Fiction. Some of my fiction is written from a Christian worldview (and labeled as such), and some of it is not. My stories, however, are all categorically “clean” or “sweet” (light on language, violence, and sex), so if you’re looking for a book you don’t have to shove under the couch cushion when visitors stop by, you’ve come to the right place!”

You can learn more about Becky and her books on her website: www.BeckyDoughty.com
Becky is married to her champion of more than 25 years. They have three children, two of whom are grown and starting families of their own, and they all live within a few miles of each other in Southern California. They share their lives with too many animals, a large vegetable garden, and a strange underground concrete room they’re certain was built for dark and sinister purposes…

Connect With Becky

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Thanks for having me here today and for sharing about me and my books! I appreciate you!

Becky Doughty

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