Saturday, September 05, 2015

#BHC with Special Guest @AuthorCBenjamin with #Giveaway today at 4pm ET

So what did we love in Aug you ask? Well come find out! And then join us for a quick chat about a great book confession! Have a confession of your own? Well share it with us! 

This month well be talking about our most anticipated books and TV/Movies of the fall as well as a great new convention that is coming to Orlando this Sept. 

So its going to be a great hour! 

With special Guest this month will be Christina Benjamin 

So join us today at 4pm ET! 

Join Jessica, Rachael, and Jennifer to chat it up with author Christina Benjamin about her series The Geneva Project as well as finding out what books were our fav from Aug. and our monthly chat which will be all about upcoming TV, Movies, and Books! 

 About the Author

Our special Guest this month will be +Christina Benjamin 
Christina Benjamin


Christina Benjamin is the Award-Winning Author of the Young Adult series The Geneva Project.
Her debut novel, The Geneva Project - Truth, has won multiple awards, including the Gold Medal for YA fiction at the 2014 Florida Authors & Publishers Awards.

The second book in her series, The Geneva Project - Secrets (vol.2), picks up right where the cliffhanger of Truth leaves off.

The highly anticipated third book in the series, The Geneva Project - Lies (vol.3), is set to release September 1st. Pre-order your copy now.

The Geneva Project offers fans of mega-hit YA fiction like Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and Percy Jackson a new series to obsess over. Christina paints a vivid world, where magic and imagination run wild in her epic tale of adventure, courage, friendship and self-discovery.

Christina now lives in Florida with her husband, and her character inspiring pets, where she spends her free time working on her book series and speaking at schools to inspiring creativity in young writers.  

Join us at 4pm ET to chat 
with the author and more! 

"All opinions are 100% honest and my own." 

The author is also running a giveaway for a $50 Amazon GC check it out here

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

 Disclaimer: Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information. If you can not see the link above you will need to turn off your spam blocker. Buying via these above links allows my site to get a % of the sale at no cost to you. This money gets used to buy items for giveaways.


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