Once upon a time I would have been adding the 50 Shades of Gray to this list. But this year I devoured all three of those pretty quick. Still don't remember why I ended up reading them. LOL So here is my list.
I know that this was supposed to be individual titles. But I couldn't come up with them. So I'm doing it in sections. Hope you like it.
1. Lord of the Flies by William Golding
This one is def. on the top of my never going to read list. I think it has to be one of the worst books that they made us read in school. I was lucky as I dropped out and got my GED right before it came up lol. (in my defense I was going on 22 at the time. I had gone back to finish as I had been in home school and then homeless for a time etc. so dropping out wasn't that bad.)
2. Any and All Nicholas Sparks books
The reason for that would be because they are always sad. Why to much crying for me to get through any of them. The last movie that was just out. I didnt even make through half the movie before I broke down into tears. And I even knew what was going to happen.
3. Any and All Classics
Well this has to deal with the fact that I just can't get through them. I was part of a bookclub a few years ago and we all wanted to read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen so we could do the follow up one with Zombies. But no one including me could get through the first few chapters. Now that being said I can sit through the movies just fine lol.
4. Religious Texts ie. the bible etc.
Just because for one thing I'm Pagan. For another well its just something that calls to me. I think if I ever went back to college it would be interesting to go into theology however I would prob end up making a lot of arguments lol.
>>>>If you haven't realized I'm running out of titles!<<<<
5. Books written in Prose, poems, etc.
These books irritate the crap out of me. I like story to be told LIKE A STORY!!!
6. Outlander series
Well I have skimmed the first book. I was curious about it when I started to watch the series on Starz. I even own them at the time I'm writing this. But to really sit down and read them I can't see myself doing that. They are very long and well I cheated and already know what happens. And I kinda like the tv series more!
7. Angel Books
Im still on hiatus with these thing.
8. Guides about my iPhone and other apple products
After having them for a few years now. Im the one that ends up helping everyone else out with them lol.
9. Board books
Because thank the goddess my last kid is almost 5 and will be starting school next year! So she is to old for these things!! YAY!!!
Wow down to one and can't think of anything else.
10. I guess books in other languages
Well that would be because I only know English and crapy English.
I know that this was supposed to be individual titles. But I couldn't come up with them. So I'm doing it in sections. Hope you like it.
1. Lord of the Flies by William Golding
This one is def. on the top of my never going to read list. I think it has to be one of the worst books that they made us read in school. I was lucky as I dropped out and got my GED right before it came up lol. (in my defense I was going on 22 at the time. I had gone back to finish as I had been in home school and then homeless for a time etc. so dropping out wasn't that bad.)
2. Any and All Nicholas Sparks books
The reason for that would be because they are always sad. Why to much crying for me to get through any of them. The last movie that was just out. I didnt even make through half the movie before I broke down into tears. And I even knew what was going to happen.
3. Any and All Classics
Well this has to deal with the fact that I just can't get through them. I was part of a bookclub a few years ago and we all wanted to read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen so we could do the follow up one with Zombies. But no one including me could get through the first few chapters. Now that being said I can sit through the movies just fine lol.
4. Religious Texts ie. the bible etc.
Just because for one thing I'm Pagan. For another well its just something that calls to me. I think if I ever went back to college it would be interesting to go into theology however I would prob end up making a lot of arguments lol.
>>>>If you haven't realized I'm running out of titles!<<<<
5. Books written in Prose, poems, etc.
These books irritate the crap out of me. I like story to be told LIKE A STORY!!!
6. Outlander series
Well I have skimmed the first book. I was curious about it when I started to watch the series on Starz. I even own them at the time I'm writing this. But to really sit down and read them I can't see myself doing that. They are very long and well I cheated and already know what happens. And I kinda like the tv series more!
7. Angel Books
Im still on hiatus with these thing.
8. Guides about my iPhone and other apple products
After having them for a few years now. Im the one that ends up helping everyone else out with them lol.
9. Board books
Because thank the goddess my last kid is almost 5 and will be starting school next year! So she is to old for these things!! YAY!!!
Wow down to one and can't think of anything else.
10. I guess books in other languages
Well that would be because I only know English and crapy English.
Yes I know this is so not what it was supposed to be lol.
Comment with what books you won't ever read!!!
"All opinions are 100% honest and my own."
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Haha, I didn't have any books I'll never read but a list on books I will never re-read :D
Top Ten Tuesday
I tried to read the 50 Shades of Gray. I've never read any kind of romance before, but I was curious with all the hype. I made it to the fifth chapter and that was after putting it down several times. I just couldn't get past the bad writing and, at chapter 5, it still hadn't gotten into the good stuff. My whole family has devoured it but I just don't know if I can do it.
How did you possibly get through three so quickly, but still end up not knowing why you read them?
50 Shades of Grey was on my list this week! I have no idea how you managed to get through one of theme, let alone three. Lord of The Flies is awful, I had to read it at school. I hate classics too for the most part, although there are a select few I like.
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2015/05/05/top-ten-tuesday-3/
I try to read classics as long as they aren't that old so I can still understand them without needing some explanations. But I understand the number 5. After some pages, it just gets tiring.
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