Tuesday, September 09, 2014

#Tour of Made for You by @melissa_marr #Published @HarperTeen

Bestselling author of the Wicked Lovely books Melissa Marr’s first contemporary YA novel is a twisted southern gothic tale of obsession, romance, and murder. A killer is obsessed with Eva Tilling. Can she stop him, or will he claim her?

When Eva Tilling wakes up in the hospital, she’s confused—who in her sleepy little North Carolina town could have hit her with their car? And why? But before she can consider the question, she finds that she’s awoken with a strange new skill: the ability to foresee people’s deaths when they touch her. While she is recovering from the hit-and-run, Nate, an old flame, reappears, and the two must traverse their rocky past as they figure out how to use Eva’s power to keep her friends—and themselves—alive. But while Eva and Nate grow closer, the killer grows increasingly frantic in his attempt to get to Eva.

For the first time, New York Times bestselling author Melissa Marr has applied her extraordinary talent to contemporary realism. Chilling twists, unrequited obsession, and high-stakes romance drive this Gothic, racy thriller—a story of small-town oppression and salvation. Melissa’s fans, and every YA reader, will find its wild ride enthralling.


About the Author

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Hmm, I'm never good at the bio bit. I used to teach college & bartend, now I write novels. I love to meet new people, to hear their stories, to walk through new streets and see new vistas. I enjoy art in all its guises--graffiti, surrealist paintings, classic sculptures, tattoos, interesting buildings, Renoir, photography . . . Art & nature, they feed my soul & thus my muse.

My Review 5 Frienemy Stars 

Alright so of course I don't read what the books are about anymore so when I started reading this one and found out that it was in the POV of both the killer and the main heroin I was freaking out in a good way! Then add in the paranormal element and well my fan girl feels were over flowing!!  

This one will knock your socks off.  You won't find out who the killer is until the very end then your all like OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because of something that happens.  So yep this one will keep you guessing and just when you think you have it all figured out BAM you don't! 

The heroine is hit by a car and now she sees everyone death.  Which was so new!  It was a great contemporary with a hint of the supernatural and it worked out so well!  No love triangle in this one (well unless you count the stalker) And no cliffhanger however the author left it open so if she wanted to she could come back and do some more ( so wouldn't mind a book two to this one!!) 

I loved how powerful Eva is.  She is a no nonsense girl in the best ways.  Instead of freaking out that she can see others people's deaths she makes it work for her to save her friends and those she loves.  Melissa Marr has brought us a kick butt herione that would make any bad guy run for the kills and hey she's doing this with a broken leg and a cast! So how cool is that?  

As for our leading man Nate can I just say SWOON! He has a checked past but, its all good.  He really comes to Eva's aid and well they are so cute together.  

I also have to say that I LOVED Eva's mom.  Their relationship changes and evolves over the course of this book so much that it was just heartwarming and full of cuddly feels.  

As for the bad guy I have to say that he is deff a villain I love to hate.  He was perfect.  It was interesting being in his creepy deranged mind.  (someone hold me) It was a wonderful new POV to read from and I hope that this author does it again in the future.  

The plot was incredible as was the end.  The setting worked out well (set in our time frame so no flying cars etc here)  The story flowed so well that you will be on the last page before you know it.  
This is deff one book not to miss. 

Go Into This One Knowing

Fast, Creepy Read with no cliffhanger and no love triangle, (unless you count the creepy guy.....Which were NOT)

"All opinions are 100% honest and my own."

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From the Back Cover

When Eva Tilling wakes up in the hospital, she's confused—who in her sleepy little North Carolina town could have hit her with their car? And why?
It seems impossible that anyone would have it out for the town darling. Thanks to her family's distinguished history and her own unassailable reputation in old-money Jessup, Eva is universally liked. But she has little time to consider the question when she finds that she's awoken with a strange new skill: the ability to foresee people's deaths when they touch her.
Eva is struggling to understand just what these visions mean when a slew of murders takes place back home. The victims, all classmates, are discovered alongside eerie messages that tie the incidents to her. There is a killer on the loose, and he is after Eva.
While she is recovering from the hit-and-run, Nate, an old friend, reappears. The two traverse their rocky past as they figure out how to use Eva's power to keep her friends—and themselves—alive. But while Eva and Nate grow closer, the determined killer grows increasingly frantic in his attempt to get to Eva.
Chilling twists, unrequited obsession, and high-stakes romance drive Melissa Marr's racy thriller—a story of small-town oppression and salvation.

Other Books By This Author

Giveaway Details:
1 winner will receive a full set of the 5 Wicked Lovely series and the Wicked Lovely companion book (all paperback) as well as a hardcover copy of Made For You. US Only
1 winner will receive a paperback of Graveminder & of Arrivals, as well as a hardcover copy of Made For You. US Only.
1 winner will receive a hardcover of Made For You.US ONLY.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information.


Can't wait to read this one - it looks SO good!!!!

Loved the Wicked Lovely series and am dying to get my hands on Made for you. Sounds amazing.

I can't wait for this book! It sounds awesome.

Melissa Marr is such a great author, Wicked Lovely is one of my all-time favorite books. Thanks for the giveaway!

I can't wait to read this!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Oh man, this is one of my anticipated books! I've heard such great things!

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