Tuesday, August 05, 2014

#TMI #Tuesday #9 : @Spreecast Sucks @Google + Hangouts ROCK!

Welcome to my #9th posting of TMI Tuesdays.  This week I'm going to be talking about Spreecast.com And how upset I am right now. 

What is Spreecast and Why it WAS AWESOME!

                            Spreecast is was a free site where you could host live video shows.  
Ok so when I decided to start my show #ReadOn I found Spreecast.com and thought it was great!  It was easy to use and well worked well for my live author show.  It had live chat, I could embed the video and well I could schedule shows, you could even pay to have a downloaded version of the show.  It was fab!  

Why Spreecast Sucks Now

Well last wednesday I got an email stating that if I wanted to keep the shows past 7 days that I would either 1. have to pay $70.00 per show to download it.  OR pay $50.00 a month.  One of the biggest things I wanted to do with the #ReadOn was keep it free!  The authors give two signed (real or bookplate) but thats it.  It keeps it open for more authors to join.  And now that I don't get to keep the shows past 7 days it ruins that. 

Go Into This One Knowing

Ok so what am I doing now?  Well I'm switching everything over to Google+ Hangouts. Hopefully they don't start charging ugh.

"All opinions are 100% honest and my own."

Disclaimer: Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information.


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