Thursday, August 07, 2014

#HarryPotter #Thursdays #UniversalOrlando #Tips: @LeakyCon #LeakyCon14 with #Giveaway

Welcome to my #3rd posting of Harry Potter Thursdays tips and tricks for Universal Orlando.  So this past Friday I got the wonderful chance to go to non other than LeakyCon 2014.  And well below is what I did. 

Open at the Close

Ok so the first day of LeakyCon they had a special event via Universal Orlando.  And well although I didnt get to go. Since it was $150.00 and I could NOT use my annual pass that I have.  So I caught up with someone else that had gone and they gave me the inside scoop on what was going on.  So it seemed that for your money you got to go into both HP sections starting at 8pm and were allowed to be there until around 2am.  This of course was a private event so the only people there were attendance of LeakyCon Open at the Close. 

Entrence at 8pm-2am
Free Food 
And of course shorter lines since your in there alone.  

Person X as I will call them (lol) stated that the place was pretty packed but not anywhere near what it normally is during the day.  They also told me that they had a lot of fun.  But even with the normal lines etc the only thing that was really worth it was all the free food.  It gave them the chance to try things that they didnt want to waste money on. 

So all in all they gave this event a B and next year if they want to make it even better they should allow those who already live in Florida and have Annual passes to either

A. Be able to use the pass to get in with nothing extra or 
B. Be able to use the pass they already have plus pay a small fee. Since they would get the unlimited food as well. etc. 

My Review of LeakyCon

So last Friday I got the chance to go to LeakyCon 2014!  And although the book signing was a big mess I did have a lot of fun.  I wish I would have known that they were doing the signing as multi lines then only giving us 50 minutes.  Which was so not enough time to see all the authors there.  I wish that they would have allowed us to get things signed when we were in the panels.  Since those had only around 30 people or under in each one. That would have saved a lot of time.  The only other thing was that things were all over the place and for someone like me that walking and standing for long periods of time hurts.  This made it very difficult to get around.  But, all in all I got a ton of swag to giveaway as well as I purchased a ton of buttons which were really inexpensive around.50 cents each.  I really want to go back to get a bag and a lanyard I saw as well as some more swag.  But, Im so worn out and have no money for has I would deff. need someone to go with me to push me in the chair.  There were a lot of wonder things that I wish I could have purchased. 

Make sure you check out this weeks #BookBabble as I will be talking about LeakyCon.  My swag, books, different stores and more. 

Pictures I Took 

"All opinions are 100% honest and my own."

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information.


It must be great to assist to that kind of events. In Spain there aren't events like this. I'm really envious of you and all the people that can go to that events! I would like to go too! :D I'm sure that you really enjoyed it.

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