About the Blogger
I am an avid reader of many genres including Paranormal, Paranormal Romance, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Young Adult, Erotica and any of the above that might appear in one book. I am a Pagan so you will also find reviews and books listed with a Pagan slant. I'll try most genres once so you'll probably find a mixture of works here. I love leaving reviews which are always my personal opinion and even if I'm not over-keen on something, I try to make it a fair review. No bitchiness or hate allowed here!
Meet Merissa
Do you have a featured post that you would like to share with us?
Why yes I do Featured Post
How long have you been blogging?
Since November 2013
What book have you most recently blogged about?
If you could ask the author one question about this book what would it be?
How did you name your characters? Do they have meaning or are they just pulled out of the hat?
Was this a book for review?
Nope this was Owned
If you were shipwrecked on a desert island what three books would you take with you?
I don't know if I could ever choose just 3 books. Even 3 series is a push!
Anything about the Dragons of Pern by Anne McCaffrey as they were the first ever book I read and they got me hooked into the Fantasy genre.
Any of the Tairen Soul series by C.L. Wilson - they are magnificent fantasy books with a sensual edge to them.
Lord of the Rings - do I really need to clarify this one? I couldn't be without this in my collection!
What are you reading now?
What book will you never read?
I don't do horrors
Books Mentioned

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