Tuesday, July 22, 2014

#TMI #Tuesday: Kindle Unlimited

So this weeks TMI Tuesday is something that was posted last week. I thought I would share it with you all and give you my two scenes. It seems that Amazon is testing out a new service called Kindle Unlimited.  Which would cost you $9.99 a month for being able to download and read a ton of books. 

So its been almost a week since Amazon released its new service and many are both happy and mad about it.  It seems that authors are scared and readers depending on if they have prime or not are all over the place.  Myself I prob won't even use the 30 day free trial as I do not want to borrow books for one thing.  And for another I went through the 400 pages of Teen/YA books on the 18th when you could start signing up for it and I didn't see anything that I wanted to read.  Most if it I either already owned or there was one book that I had wanted to read but it was only $2.99 so I could always just buy it.  

For authors.  Here is a link about why indies should stay away from this Kindle Unlimited Bad for Authors?

Amazon Testing Monthly $9.99 E-Book Subscription Service

Amazon is testing a subscription service for e-books that offers unlimited access to more than 600,000 titles and thousands of audiobooks for $9.99 a month, a service that competes with Scribd and Oyster. Gigaom, which has an informative q&a about the service, called Kindle Unlimited, noted that many of the available titles are titles published by Amazon and many have been included in Amazon's Kindle Owners Lending Library, which allows Prime members who own a Kindle to borrow one e-book for free each month.

Ok so below is the link to the video about Kindle Unlimited.  I guess it includes both ebooks and audio books.  Which I think this might be a thing to just trying to get people to sign up more for things like audible.  I know that I had an account for a little while.  And when you cancel your membership the first thing it asks is why did you cancel and well I out down that the cost was two high.  So then it goes into giving you your first three months for half off.  So this might be because of that maybe.  I tried to get the embedded but it wouldn't work for me today ugh.  


Ok so through that above vid.  We are told that we can read over 600,000 titles of ebooks and audio books all for that $9.99 a month.  It also lets us know that we can sign up for a 30 day free trial. 

Well in my search for more information I found that most info has been removed from Amazons site but you can see a cached version here Here. What I first notice is that most titles listed are ones that I can read anyway via Amazon Prime's Lending Library.  Things like The Hunger Games and Harry Potter. 

If Amazon does do this they will be competing along side Oyster and Scribd. Oyster offers unlimited access to more than 500,000 books for $9.95 a month. Scribd users, meanwhile, can read unlimited books for $8.99 a month. 

So will you be signing up for this?  I think that if the books don't change to something else that I can't get via Prime I won't be.  Although users who already do the Audible thing might be able to save some money with this go round.  

"All opinions are 100% honest and my own."

Have a question?  Use the Feedback on the left side bar, message me via twitter/facebook, comment below, or email me at witchever82@gmail.com!  Please keep all questions G Rated.

Update:  Here is information that I found online
Click here for article

The Limitations of Amazon Unlimited

Amazon Unlimited, the monthly e-book subscription service that Amazon launched on Friday, has a distinctly limited selection. As Tech Crunch commented: "Amazon Unlimited was dubbed the Netflix of books. That is correct as long as you imagine a Netflix consisting of an endless array of low-budget indie releases and some major small-studio films. In truth, Amazon's new $9.99 all-you-can-read service features no books by 'big 5' trade publishers, an issue on which Amazon has remained mum."
Or as the Huffington Post put it: "Amazon Wants You to Pay $120 for a Glorified Library Card."
Amazon Unlimited offers, the company said, more than 600,000 e-book titles and several thousand audiobooks.

Disclaimer: Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information.


I haven't decided yet but I am trying out the 30 day free trial. I found several books that retail for $6 and more and was able to get the free audio along with the eBook. I really like the audio option and in the end could save money by not paying monthly for audible and just using this service instead. I will still buy books and use my library but will wait until closer to the end of my 30 days to see if I keep this or keep Audible.

My sister might, she is an audiobook person.

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