Thursday, July 10, 2014

#Review of Welcome to the Dark House by @LaurieStolarz #Published @DisneyHyperion

What’s your worst nightmare?

For Ivy Jensen, it’s the eyes of a killer that haunt her nights. For Parker Bradley, it’s bloodthirsty sea serpents that slither in his dreams.

And for seven essay contestants, it’s their worst nightmares that win them an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at director Justin Blake’s latest, confidential project. Ivy doesn’t even like scary movies, but she’s ready to face her real-world fears. Parker’s sympathetic words and perfect smile help keep her spirits up. . . at least for now.

Not everyone is so charming, though. Horror-film fanatic Garth Vader wants to stir up trouble. It’s bad enough he has to stay in the middle of nowhere with this group—the girl who locks herself in her room; the know-it-all roommate; “Mister Sensitive”; and the one who’s too cheery for her own good. Someone has to make things interesting.

Except, things are already a little weird. The hostess is a serial-killer look-alike, the dream-stealing Nightmare Elf is lurking about, and the seventh member of the group is missing.

By the time Ivy and Parker realize what’s really at stake, it’s too late to wake up and run.


About the Author

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Laurie Faria Stolarz (Massachusetts) has a great interest in young adult culture, and admires young adults for their passion, energy, and creativity. Blue is for Nightmares is the product of her desire to write a novel that would have appealed to herself at that age, namely one that has a blending of suspense, romance, and the art of keeping secrets.
Stolarz has an MFA in Creative Writing with a concentration in Young Adult Literature and a graduate certificate in Screenwriting, both from Emerson College in Boston. She currently teaches writing and is a member of the SCBWI as well as several professional writing groups. She has also written and edited numerous middle school and high schools texts. 

My Review-3 Stars

Take It or Leave It

The author has come a long way.  I remember falling in love with her Blue if for Nightmare series when I was younger.  Then being able to read her other books last year was even better.  But, I have noticed a theme that it seems that she finally broke from that made me very happy to read this book.  That in her past works she does 90% story then at the last 10% is all the suspense and drama.  This one doesn't do that.  It is equally disrupted throughout the book.  

That being said why didn't I like it?  Well that would be because, although the plot/story was fab.  The ending is pointless and the switching of POV was confusing. This one kind of reminds me of that other book I read Dear Killer.  The story was great but when the author got to the ending it was like they didnt know what to with it.  And although this one is somewhat the same deal to me.  It was an easy fix.  I would have understood that ending if it was to be a series.  But with this being a stand alone (so far) it sucked.  

The scary in this book was great.  I have loved horror forever.  I was one of those kids that begged for their mom to let them watch things like Chucky and Steven King's IT.  Which although it did scare me for life. (ie. I still hate little dolls and clowns) I still love watching a good scary movie. This one was having me gasp through out the scary.  And wondering how all the yummy creepy food was made.  I do have to say that the Elf thing was a perfect choice.  It reminds me of that Elf on the Shelf thing that I see every christmas.  Those things creep the crap out of me and I REFUSE to get one no matter how much my kids cry for one. 

The characters where a big issue.  Not them themselves but the multi POV.  I was constantly flipping back to see who I was reading.  It didn't seem that they each had their own voice and most of the time I couldn't even tell if it was a boy or a girl.  I loved Ivy and Parker and wish that the story could have taken a turn for the better.  As I would have liked to see more of their lives.  And how Ivy esp. was struggling with her past. 

Go Into This One Knowing

Go into this one knowing that the story was entertaining but the ending fell short of my expectations. The 6 POVs were a disaster as I couldn't tell one character from another. And this could have been a great book one to a series an even better stand alone if the ending would have been just a little different and more complete.

"All opinions are 100% honest and my own."

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Giveaway-US Only

A while back ago I had a festival going called Nov. Author Fest.  And well half way through doing post my form died on me.  And I never did get it going again.  So with this giveaway of the ARC of Welcome to Dark House.  I will also be adding the items that I still have via this author.  So you get an extra chance to win some great books and swag.  Books are signed.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information.


Great review! Can't wait to read this one!

I'm not a huge fan of mystery, but I loved Laurie's Blue is for Nightmares and Touch series. I can't wait to read Welcome to the Dark House!
Ariel @ Bookish Confessioins

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