Monday, June 23, 2014

#Review of (Don't You) Forget About Me by @katekaryusquinn #Published @EpicReads @HaperTeen

Welcome to Gardnerville.

A place where no one gets sick. And no one ever dies.

There’s a price to pay for paradise. Every fourth year, the strange power that fuels the town exacts its payment by infecting teens with deadly urges. In a normal year in Gardnerville, teens might stop talking to their best friends. In a fourth year, they’d kill them.

Four years ago, Skylar’s sister, Piper, was locked away after leading sixteen of her classmates to a watery grave. Since then, Skylar has lived in a numb haze, struggling to forget her past and dull the pain of losing her sister. But the secrets and memories Piper left behind keep taunting Skylar—whispering that the only way to get her sister back is to stop Gardnerville’s murderous cycle once and for all.
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About the Author

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Kate Karyus Quinn has a BFA in Theatre from Niagara University and an MFA in Film and Television Production from Chapman University. In addition, her short romantic fiction pieces have been published in Woman's World magazine.

After growing up in the suburbs of Buffalo, NY, at age 22, Kate left her hometown for California and then Tennessee. However, just recently she made the move back home, with a husband and two children in tow. She promised them wonderful people, amazing food, and weather that would... build character.

Kate is first and foremost an avid reader and unapologetic booknerd. Although, she mostly reads YA and romance, she often samples different genres in her constant search for the next great read.

So this is another one of those books that sounds like something else.  This one really sounds like that tv show Haven.  All the way to this kid who attracts bullets.  I really wonder how some of this stuff can get published and not get sued.  I was around page 50 when I decided to call it quits.  So ugh. Cant people come up with something org?  Ok off to read something else.

 "All opinions are 100% honest and my own."

 If you want to win this ARC to try it yourself.  Just share, like, follow if you haven't done so and comment below with what you did with your email.  Winner will be chosen July 1st. This is open to USA only unless you pay shipping.  If you want to pay shipping put Shipping Included in the comment. 
Disclaimer: Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information.


I think the cover looks too much like the over for
"In the After" and "In the End".

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