Saturday, June 07, 2014

#BookBabble 4: Respect the ARC with #Giveaway

ARCs are not to be sold but it seems that some people just are not resecting that. So join us today to chat about Respecting the ARC as well as our weekly Giveaway, Hauls, Reviews, and More

 You can watch here or click this link and be able to ask questions or come on the air! 


I really hope that soon more people in the book community come together to get this resolved, it really hurts the authors and readers. Its like you get nice things and some people ruin it. Its almost like you should say well how would you feel if there never was another ARC read again? Authors I don't think would do that but just in the thought of if they did that would really suck... Anyways before I ramble too much it was interesting seeing my first Spreecast and nice to chat with you :D

That was a total learning experience for me, I never knew the full extent of the "Do's & Don't" of ARC's. I also loved seeing all the new titles to check out and add to my ever-growing list of TBR for this Summer.

Danelle {ourwolvesden@gmail dot com}

My question for the authors is: How long did it take you to write the book?

My email is:


I saw this on Google+ but it wasn't letting me comment on there. :( I hope I didn't miss the giveaway.
I've never gotten a ARC before a book was published. I wish I could. lol

Gah forgot to add in my email >.<

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