Saturday, May 24, 2014

What Crazy Stuff is Made Of #Giveaway

What Crazy Stuff is Made Of

Just comment! Open Everyone!!
I had a really bad start to this day. Learn more by watching the video below.  

Swag & Books


Some people are just mean and want to cause problems.

There are people in this world that feel they must be negative at all times- they are not "happy" unless they are harming others in some way.

I have learned this over the past year, but I always keep in mind that for every person that has that negativity, there are always ones that don't. And that is most important, not letting the bad ones get to you- and focus on the good people that give off great karma.


WOW I can't believe all the things you've been through. I'm glad you came out strong though. IDK why some people want to be cruel.

I'm sorry your day started out bad. :( I hope it got better!!

That really sucks! :( I'm sorry. Keep your chin up, it'll pass.

There are a lot of crazy people out there. Props to you for being able to let it go instead of adding more fuel to the fire.

Balance. Some people just say mean things, but when you get past them, and you will, there will be good stuff waiting.

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