Sunday, May 25, 2014

Welcome! #Giveaway #Inspirational #Week

Thanks for coming to our First Day of our Massive Week Giveaway! Since I am not going to BEA this year. :( I decided to use this week for this giveaway! So enjoy!   

Each day a few books will post with review and you will have that many times to be able to win!  So make sure you check it out each day and to comment on each post. You get 10 Points per each comment. (per post)
Starting tomorrow you will have a chance to win one of these amazing books! There will be 24 winners in all! 
Comments will be added up by me. So don't worry that its only on the Rafflecopter once. 
I do want to let you know that not all books are shown. Some do not have links or covers via Amazon. Also all of these posts are Promos. I did not get a chance to read all of the books as with the death of my grandmother and other family issues. But I wanted to get these posts up asap. 
Almost all of these books are Inspirational in topic. A few are not. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


I hope you get to go to BEA next year!!!

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