Sunday, May 04, 2014

#Review & #Giveaway of She Is Not Invisible by @marcussedgwick #Published @MacKidsBooks

Laureth Peak's father has taught her to look for recurring events, patterns, and numbers--a skill at which she's remarkably talented. Her secret: She is blind. But when her father goes missing, Laureth and her 7-year-old brother Benjamin are thrust into a mystery that takes them to New York City where surviving will take all her skill at spotting the amazing, shocking, and sometimes dangerous connections in a world full of darkness. She Is Not Invisible is an intricate puzzle of a novel that sheds a light on the delicate ties that bind people to each other.


Marcus SedgwickMarcus Sedgwick was born in Kent, England. Marcus is a British author and illustrator as well as a musician. He is the author of several books, including Witch Hill and The Book of Dead Days, both of which were nominated for the Edgar Allan Poe Award. The most recent of these nominations rekindled a fascination with Poe that has borne fruit here in (in The Restless Dead, 2007) the form of "The Heart of Another" - inspired by Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart." Of his story, Sedgwick says, "This was one of those stories that I thought might be a novel originally but actually was much better suited to the tight form of the short story. I had the initial idea some years ago but was just waiting for the right ingredient to come along. Poe's story, as well as his own fascination with technique, provided that final piece of the puzzle."

He used to play for two bands namely playing the drums for Garrett and as the guitarist in an ABBA tribute group. He has published novels such as Floodland (winner of the Branford Boase Award in 2001) and The Dark Horse (shortlisted for The Guardian Children's Book Award 2002)

Ok what to say about this one.  I was very happy to get a print copy of this book.  Even if the ARC didn't have that pretty cover.  This is a very short book of only 224 pages.  I read it in about an hour.  And when I was done I was kinda both ticked off and happy.  So why do you ask?  Well the author took this amazing premise and killed it.  This book reads more like a prequel to a better story.  It starts out with blind teenager Laureth being worried that her dad hasn't been in contact with them for about a week.  Then this guy emails her via her dads account that he has found his notebook where he puts down his ideas for his books.  So she takes her 7 year old brother and off to NY they go from London.  Which was fine.  You come to find out that her dad has been obsessed with Coincidences and that he has been trying to write this amazing book about it for the last few years with no luck.  My issue with the book came about when you find out the following. 

1. Her brother can't touch anything electrical without killing it!! (Awesome Power)
2. The book tosses you into this insane (AWESOME!) tale about Edger Allen Poe,  Enstine, Freud. and a few others. 
3. She meets this very cute guy on the plain, they meet Michael who is this awesome kid. 

Number 4 is the one that really kinda ticked me off.  That with all of this amazing stuff above.  What do you do?! O ya you just make it that. Her dad was mugged because he wasn't taking care to be aware of his surroundings. And thats it.  The only good thing that happened out of all of this. Was that their family was stronger for it.  But I think that this would have been a great little novella vs. a real full story.  I want the author to come back to this. And make a story about this cult/group and I want to know more about her brother and his power. As well as the back of the book says that she sees dangerous connections and has other abilities that you never see in this book.  I want to see this!!  So all in all I think this one could have been a lot better and I hope that the author comes back to this family and knocks it out of the park with a mysterious, thriller, paranormal, read in the future. 

"All opinions are 100% honest and my own."

Disclaimer: Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information.

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