Monday, May 05, 2014

#Review #Giveaway of Mila 2.0 by @DebraDriza #Published @harperteen

Mila 2.0 is the first book in an electrifying sci-fi thriller series about a teenage girl who discovers that she is an experiment in artificial intelligence.

Mila was never meant to learn the truth about her identity. She was a girl living with her mother in a small Minnesota town. She was supposed to forget her past—that she was built in a secret computer science lab and programmed to do things real people would never do.

Now she has no choice but to run—from the dangerous operatives who want her terminated because she knows too much and from a mysterious group that wants to capture her alive and unlock her advanced technology. However, what Mila’s becoming is beyond anyone’s imagination, including her own, and it just might save her life.

Mila 2.0 is Debra Driza’s bold debut and the first book in a Bourne Identity-style trilogy that combines heart-pounding action with a riveting exploration of what it really means to be human. Fans of I Am Number Four will love Mila for who she is and what she longs to be—and a cliffhanger ending will leave them breathlessly awaiting the sequel.


Debra Driza
I'm the author of the MILA 2.0 series and the owner of the messiest purse on the planet, aka: the black hole of doom. I think bow ties are cool and when I grow up, I want to be Veronica Mars.

I rarely check my account at Goodreads, so if you need to get in touch with me, try twitter or Debra at

This book was great!  It was just the right length to get everything in it that we really needed to know.  It ended not really on a cliffhanger but still on a way that if I didn't have book two I would be drooling and stalking the author to get a copy of it.  
This book is Universal Soldier meets Witness Protection.  It was fast paced and didn't slow down until the last page.  I really enjoyed getting to know Mila and wish there would have been more bout Hunter. I hope that we get to see more of him either in book two or in a Novella.   Or in his own prequel.  

I really loved that this story was set in our world.  It really felt like I could just be walking around the mall or airport and see this all going down.  It just felt so real.  So bravo to the author.  

Mila as a character was fab!  I think that the author got her down pat.  She wasn't a prissy little teen or anything like that.  You will end up feeling for her in this story and wanting her to succeed in all her undertakings.  

The Fire:  I read the prequel to this book as well.  It is very short but was still pretty good.  It gives you a good view of Mila and how much she really does care for her family.  Even though of what she is.  It ends with a great little tidbit that if you didn't know what was going on.  You would be like WTF MAN!! 

"All opinions are 100% honest and my own."

After an unproductive three minutes, Hunter’s comic book crinkled. “You’re Maya, right?” he asked.
An unexpected disappointment stabbed me. I opened my eyes. “Close. Mila.”
“Sorry. Mi-la.” The way he carefully drew my name out gave it a mellifluous quality I’d never heard before.
He nodded absently, his fingers drumming away on his left knee. I waited for a follow-up question. Instead, he hunched his shoulders and stopped tapping to turn the page on his comic.
I tried to shift my attention back to the courtyard, my shoes, anything beside Hunter, but the six-foot figure of damp, mussed, and brooding boy prove just a little too potent to ignore. I had a sudden craving to hear him say my name again, with that same melodic ton.

Disclaimer: Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information.

Check out my Facebook page for an EXCLUSIVE GIVEAWAY
 for a Hardback of both Mila 2.0 and Mila 2.0 Renegade! 


I'm glad to see that you liked this one! I borrowed it from the library before, but I didn't get very far and I had to return it. Hopefully I'll get around to it again someday.

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