Tuesday, May 27, 2014

#Giveaway #Inspirational #Week Miss Pussy And The Quilting Club(Pussy In The Well..Who's Gonna Tell #2) by Daisy Hinton Davis

Miss Pussy is a feline sleuth that resides in a 55+ community and hears the daily gossip of the "Pool Ladies" and to her peril research this gossip at night. Now, Miss Pussy has become friends of the Quilting Club. A group of six fiesty, boozing, stand your grounds, and take no prisoners,and adventureous seniors.And she spends her time getting them out of trouble and jail. Often times she has to get assistance from her twin buddies.They are two pitbulls, Brutus and Bruce, and they love drinking cold beer and smoking marijuana. I guarantee you will not stop laughing and want but dare to try these ladies carefree lives.

About the Author

I am Afro-Asian born in Virginia,raised and educated in Baltimore City, Maryland. As an employee with USAirways Airline, I became a world traveler and resided in several states within the United States.Presently I reside in Central Florida living vicariously within a 55+ community. I enjoy writing humor and about life's issues and experiences. Most of all I have been enlightend by conversations with others. My interest in creative writing captured me at the age of eight. However, publishers were not interested in younger writers. So, I had my own personal portfolio of my own writings; mostly poems of everyday experiences. Now, publishers are more interested in established writers. Thankfully, today there is self-publishing.

Disclaimer: Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Right now I would love to be inspired by some nice and long nap. I am tired.

sleep wpuld be a heavenly inspiration. I wish I could donate right now, but I am broke at the moment. I have $20 left on cash for the week :( but I had an awesome weekend.

This doesn't sound like my cup of tea. :/

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