Sunday, May 25, 2014

#Giveaway #Inspirational #Week Menu for Murder by William Hatfield

Eldamar has always been considered a safe community, close knit, where neighbors watch out for each other. When a resident's body is found, brutally bludgeoned, everything changes. There are many motives, fewer alibis, and tensions mount. Tess and Tuesday moved to Key West, away from family and friends, to explore their new relationship, and a life-style they'd never imagined. Life couldn't be better for two young women in love, working hard to get by, as long as they're happy with a steady diet of boxed mac 'n' cheese. Nathan fled Michigan to put horrific events firmly in the past, confident he can immediately make a living as a musician in Key West. Breaking into the local music scene and finding work turns out to be more challenging than he anticipated. Their paths cross at a locals' watering hole, and the ensuing relationships will change their lives forever. How sure can they be that one of their own little trio isn't capable of the very horrific act that has them looking over their shoulders, trusting no one? Will they discover who the killer is, or will one or more of their bodies be the next discovery?

About the Author

William Hatfield was born in a small town in northern Michigan and attended Western Michigan University, getting a degree in history and communications. Musical engagements led him to Gainesville, Florida, where he continues to live with his wife Karen, and their two feline daughters, Ebbie and Angie. Rumor has it, he may have grown up, but it seems unlikely. He still plays gigs, but more for therapy than making a living. His first science fiction novel, Captive Audience, was published in 2004. The sequel, Duel Roles, in 2010. Key Notes, a collection of short stories from across genres, came out in early 2012. Although science fiction is his favorite, he has expanded his horizons with Menu for Murder, a very quirky mystery based in Key West. Both genres provide the opportunity to create interesting and challenging characters that never cease to amuse and surprise him with their inherent independence.

Disclaimer: Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information.
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