Monday, April 28, 2014

Join #ReadOn and @Crossroadreview to Q & A with @MermaidKariel May 4 4pm EST. via @Spreecast

Today is a special #ReadOn with non other than Mermaid Kariel! A REAL LIVE MERMAID! Is coming on the show!  Now lets not ask her how she got her tail!  But this should be a really fun show! 
Join #ReadOn and @Crossroadreview to Q & A with @MermaidKariel May 4 4pm EST. via @Spreecast


Pro Mermaid. I hand make my costumes and perform at shows on Oahu while teaching the knowledge of dreams and self esteem. Follow to Help me make a difference! Swimming the seas of Hawaii
As a small girl Kariel struggled with ADP, short for Auditory Processing Disorder, leaving her to hear and see later than the normal person. This had a great impact on her self esteem as a child. Learning was quite the curve for her as she spent hours after school in brain strengthening classes. Like many, Kariel was teased and with life comes tribulations and Kariel grew up to be the power house you see today. Determined to achieve her wildest dreams and be more than she was ever expected to become.

To Kariel, becoming a mermaid wasn’t a fantasy; it was a personal calling. “It’s human nature to imagine the possibility of being more than what we are,” says Kari. “For years I’ve wanted to bring mermaids to life to share that feeling of unlimited horizons with others.”
When Kari moved from Oregon to Hawaii in 2009, the time seemed right to get to work. Her mother and grandmother helped her make her first mermaid tail when she was five years old, but she had yet to create one that could be used in the water. She spent hours researching materials and trying different techniques to make herself a tail that would be sturdy enough for ocean use, yet light and comfortable enough to swim in. She now has four performance-quality tails of different colors and designs – each one took 350 to 400 hours to make, paint and decorate by hand. Kari is currently collaborated with Wyland, the marine-life artist, on a tail to unite their individual artistry. Says Wyland: “Kariel’s mermaid tails are works of art that come to life when she enters the ocean.”

Kari has a full range of mermaid inspired products such as a skin care line, Sea Crowns, print and memorabilia and she even sells her fully functional artistic hand made mermaid tails in art galleries.

In addition to solving the tail puzzle, Kari has worked hard to develop the fitness and skills to make her mermaid performances both safe and believable. Kari was trained in free diving by one of the best divers in the world. She can hold her breath for more than three minutes and dive down more than 50 feet. “I swim for miles at a time using the dolphin-kick technique to practice and stay in shape," says Kari, "or because I’m working on a photo shoot or other performance.”
Kari has also designed a fitness class that incorporates the use of a mono-fin, which gives core muscles an incredible workout. She has also trained others to swim like mermaids and performs with them at special events. In short, Kari loves the water. “If I can’t be in it,” she says, “then I nerd it up by watching documentaries about the ocean.”

Most of the time you can find her putting on a show live at local hotels and lagoons in Oahu Hawaii. At these self created shows she swims and teaches self esteem to everyone but the main way she wants to make a impact is through children.  Children are never as attentive as when listening to a mermaid. Kariel uses her ability to connect with children of all ages to create a unique and entertaining show, to teach hundreds of children she meets every week, the knowledge of ocean conservation. Mermaid Kariel loves to tell children stories and take them on imaginary adventures.  By taking children on a real life water adventure and having kids use their imaginations along the way, Kariel teaches about "The Last Wishing Waterfall" ( a story she wrote for her second children's book ) . Kariel explains at her show that because of human waist and carelessness her water is dying and many things in the sea are becoming sick. The children get a chance to make one wish. At the end of her show most kids use their one wish a the waterfall to save the water! Kariel believes by showing children knowledge of self esteem, ocean conservation and helping them find their own personal talent,  they will grow up to be happy adults who use their talent to save not only the ocean but the entire world.

The inspiring story of a young mermaid who learns to share her talent, face her fears and believe in herself. Children are first awed by the fantasy mermaid illustrations, then inspired by the dream-come-true mermaid photographs. The story, poems, goal-building worksheets, and life tools included in this book encourage children to find their own inner passion and a sense of security. This book has something for everyone. The materials in it have been tested with thousands of children ages 3-13 over the course of four years in classrooms and at Mermaid Kariel's shows. The contents are based on Mermaid Kariel's own childhood experience struggling with an auditory processing disorder and bullying, and learning to overcome those challenges to achieve her goals. Paying it forward, Mermaid Kariel hopes this book will help give children an early start to believing they are talented enough to create and achieve their dreams while doing what they love! Mermaid Kariel is practicing what she is teaching. Since she was a girl, she dreamed being a mermaid and now you can find her entertaining as a real mermaid in Hawaii. For more information, go to

Disclaimer: Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information.

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