Wednesday, January 01, 2014

{Review} Prophecy @elloecho

Prophecy (The Dragon King Chronicles, #1)Title: Prophecy
Author: Ellen Oh
Series: The Dragon King Chronicles
Publisher: HarperTeen
Release Date: Jan. 2, 2013
Pages: 312
Format: Hardback
Source: Purchased/Own
Rating: 3 Stars
The greatest warrior in all of the Seven Kingdoms... is a girl with yellow eyes.

Kira’s the only female in the king’s army, and the prince’s bodyguard. She’s a demon slayer and an outcast, hated by nearly everyone in her home city of Hansong. And, she’s their only hope...

Murdered kings and discovered traitors point to a demon invasion, sending Kira on the run with the young prince. He may be the savior predicted in the Dragon King Prophecy, but the missing treasure of myth may be the true key. With only the guidance of the cryptic prophecy, Kira must battle demon soldiers, evil shaman, and the Demon Lord himself to find what was once lost and raise a prince into a king.

Intrigue and mystery, ancient lore and action-packed fantasy come together in this heart-stopping first book in a trilogy.



Writer, lawyer, college instructor, donut-slayer, chocolate lover. Addicted to diet coke. Likes to quote extensively from the Princess Bride, Monty Python and Godfather movies. Never leaves home without her iphone, chapstick, a book and her American Express card. For a more detailed bio, please check out her website at

Prophecy was pretty good.  Not a OMG you have to stop what you are doing and go buy this but It was worth the read.  Al though a little predictable.  I didn't connect with any of the characters as I had hoped and I wished that the prince would have been a little older.  But all in all this was a good story from the Korean pantheon. So if you like magic and are looking for something different than pick this one up!    

"*I own this one!"
So why not leave one!

Disclaimer: Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information.


I've heard that this book is pretty good, although I haven't gotten around to it myself. My TBR is getting way too long! Thanks for the review!

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