Saturday, January 04, 2014

Clear Your Shelf {Giveaway} {Hop}

clear your shelf january

This hop features books that need a new home! 

I know as a reviewer that I get a ton of books!  Well I also end up buying a lot of books to!  And in some cases I buy duplicates by accident.  So not only am I giving away a box of books!  But I have so many books that I will be giving away three of them! 

The Medium and Large boxes are in If It Fits It Ships.
Mystery Box if not smaller than the Medium and may contain unreleased ARCs! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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A mystery box? Well that's just super exciting!

I would love the large box of books.

Mystery box, pleasee!
(Ileana A.-rafflecopter)

The smallest (Mystery Box?) I am in Canada so the smallest would hopefully be the cheapest for you to send.

the large but any of them would be fine! thanks for the giveaway!

Any box is fine for me! :)
Thank you! :)

Large Box!
thanks for the giveaway

Large box, but any box is fine for me. :)

I would like the mystery box filled only with books I haven't read yet. This will be difficult.


Mystery box! I wonder what you have in store ;)

Any box is AWESOME! :) Thank you for the giveaway!


Thanks for the giveaway!

The mystery box! It sounds awesome! Thank you for the giveaway!

The large box :) Thanks for the giveaway!

I'm not sure of which one I prefer but... I'd go for the mystery box.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Any of them would be great!!!! -Sofia T.

I('d like the Med sized box (if you are shipping internationally).

I'd like to win any of the boxes of books. :)

I'd be happy with any of the books. After I read them, I'd share it with my sister in law!

Any box would make me extremely happy :D Thank you for the opportunity!!

I'm not picky, so I would be super happy with any of them. :) Though, mystery box does sound intriguing. :) Thanks for a giveaway! :)

If I should win I'd go with the mystery box! :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

I'd love any of them, but... maybe mystery box? :)
Haha and I hope this really is international, I live in Czech Rep. :D

Large box because I LOVE BOOKS!!! But I'm really fine with anything :)

Any Box! I'd be more than happy to have any box. I live in Spain and I hardly have this amazing opportunity, so thank you so much for the giveaway! ^^
And Happy New Year!! *throws confetti*

Thank you so much for this amazing giveaway :)
Honestly I would be thrilled to win any of these boxes : I love the sound of all of them !! Thanks for the awesomeness!

I would love to win any of the boxes :)

mystery box :)) but only if the giveaway is int :))

Any box is fine for me, but since I'm international, maybe not the large one. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Any box would be awesome but I'd probably pick either the large or the mystery. Thanks for the giveaway!

If the choice was there, I'd probably say the large box because large=MORE awesome books .. but honestly, I'd be thrilled to win any of the boxes :)
thanks for the opportunity!

I would like any box of books! Thanks for the giveaway =)

Any of them. Thank you for the giveaway!

Large box!! Even though I'm in Brazil, I think we can work something out C: I'd be happy to pay shipping C:

I'm going to out of the box ;) and say medium box. *grabby hands* Thank you for changing it up. Happy New Year!

The medium or mystery boxes box would be cool.

Thanks for the giveaway :)

I would like any box of books Thanks

Mystery box sounds great! ^_^

Any box of books would be awesome. Thanks for the giveaway :)

Medium large or mystery would be amazing

any :) mystery box sounds interesting but would love to be lucky enough to win anything! Love books :)

Any of them would be super amazing :D I would say Mystery but since the Medium and the Large are as much as a Mystery as the Mysterybox, I would be extremely happy with either one of them :)

Any of them would be Awesome! My first choice would be The Mystery Box

I don't mind any box, they all sound so amazing! But maybe mystery box? Thank you for the amazing giveaway!

I would be okay with any box, but definitely interested in peeking into the mystery box! :o

When it comes to books, I feel blessed if it's one book or 100. I love them all!

The mystery box! It's so....mysterious!

Probably the mystery box! I love surprises! :D

Mystery? Or any of them! Thanks for the giveaway

I'd be grateful for any of the boxes, though the mystery box is intriguing, i'll say the med box today

Mystery! I love a good surprise.

I would be happy to win any of the boxes!

Thanks for being a part of this FUN blog hop.

Prize choice: Large Box

jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

I'll take the big box of books because wouldn't they all be a mystery box to me?! lol

As much as I love to read the large box would be perfect. I have to admit that I would be thrilled to win any of the 3.

I would probably pick the medium box

I would be happy with any of them!

Please count me in for the large box, thank you so much!

I would be thrilled with any of them. Thanks for the chance.

I'd be happy with any of them, they're all mystery boxes to me! :D

I'd take whichever box has the most young adult and middle grad lit. :)

Large or mystery. Thanks so much!!!

the mystery box or large box :D thank you

The mystery box would be fun! Happy New Year!

The mystery box! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :D

I would be happy with any of the boxes!

Mystery a good mystery!!!

I don't care which one I win. I will give anything you send me a good home, and if I don't like a particular book, I'll offer them to someone who will.

I'd love the Med or the Mystery box, thanks for the giveaway!

I would like the large box of books...the more - the better! (However, I like Mysterious, too!)

Any would be lovely but I like the sound of the mystery box!

Whichever has the most epic YA arcs :)

I would like the large or the mystery box. :) But any of them is fine because well they're all BOOKS~.

I never have enough books, I want the LARGE!

I'd pick the large box or the mystery box. I am very curious about the *mystery* box!

Mystery box. I'm curious what is in it. Thanks for the giveaway.

If by some miracle I was lucky enough to win I would probably want the large box of books just because I'm greedy...though the mystery box sounds so intriguing....
Thanks for the giveaway!

I honestly have no real preference, but her goes:

I really wouldnt mind, but the large box probably! :)

I'm international, so whichever is cheaper for you to ship, is OK with me:) Although the more the better:)

I will be happy with any of the boxes. Thanks!

Large box or whatever box you have!!!! ♡♡♡♡ i ♡ u in advance!!!!!

I would love to win a mystery box.. Super exciting!

I'd be happy with any box. (Laura DeLuca)

The mystery box would be cool but I'd settle for any of them. Thanks!

Any box is good, but if I must choose probably wins the mystery box :)

Any box is fine with me. Thank you for the international giveaway! :)

Med Box mean medical books? I'm in!
No? Ah well, I'm still in ;p
I love books ;p

Which one would you pick? That's the one I want to win!

I haven't a clue, they all sound great :D

I would love either one of the boxes!! Thank you so much for a chance to win and for being a part of this fun and awesome blog hop!!

They all sound like wonderful boxes.

I don't get to buy many books anymore so I'd be super happy with any box of books! Thanks for the chance!

Large, please. thank you for the giveaway!!!

Oh how do you pick!!!! ummm . Large :D thank you

I will be so thrilled to win, it won't matter which box. I love books so very much. Thank you for being so generous and feeding so many of us our favorite thing.

If this is open internationally then I'd love the Medium box but would be happy with any of them. Any amount of unknown books would be a treat to read.

Any of the boxes would be AWESOME! Thanks!

I'd be happy with any, but especially the mystery box!

Any which one is good. I love to read almost any kind of book. They are all a mystery box afterall.

hmm hmm I think mystery box, because sounds interesting ^^

Large Box or Mystery Box. Or Medium Box. AKA ANY BOX

Any box would be nice to have. I always enjoy new books. Thanks for the giveaway!

any book. I'm a reviewer myself and I love books my friends make jokes about how much time I spend reading, I tend to go through 1 or 2 books a day. Great Giveaway

I would be happy with any of them. Thanks for the chance.

I'd love any of them but love the idea of the surprise box! Thanks!

I would be grateful for any box! :D
Mary G LOki

The mystery box sounds mysterious, ha ha!! :D

i will be happy with any of the boxes!!


I like to be surprised so I would probably choose the Mystery Box :)

Thanks for the chance to win!

-Amber Terry-

any of them. if i had to pick i would say med box

I would choose either the mystery or the large box.


I'd be more than grateful for any of the boxes

I would love any of the boxes but if I'm being forced I would go with the large. I'm being selfish today because it's my birthday. Thanks for your giveaway!

i would like to win what you choose, im from Chile, so i hope i can participate!

Any of these boxes look good :-)
Thanks for giveaway :-)

Any box would do. I'd already be ecstatic If I win

I would be happy to win any of them! I am drawn towards the mystery box though, I love surprises!

I would be happy with any box! Thank you so much.

My first choice would be the Mystery Box. However, any box would be awesome!

First choice will be mystery box, but any of the other boxes would be like Christmas! haha! ;-) Thanks for a chance at reading more books! Thank you

Since I don't know what each box consists of, I would just say surprise me :)
Thanks for the giveaway!

I would like the large box of books.

Les Johnson

Hmm...any would be awesome! But, if I had to pick, I guess I would go with the mystery box...even though they are all a mystery!

I would love to be surprised. I like romance :)

I would want the large box or the mystery box.

Thanks for the giveaway! I would love any of them but prefer the mystery box.

witch ever box that has the paranormal Romances or Historical Romance.

Any one would be awesome! But the mystery box holds my interest!

(This is Darith L.)

I'd love the LARGE box! :D

Ooh Ooh LARGE box please! Thank you!

I choose the large box. I want as many books as possible.

Doesn't really matter which as long as there are books I'm sure I'll love them...
Not sure if the giveaway is INT (linky said it is so I entered) so if it's not than you should delete my entries...

Great giveaway!

I'd love the Mystery Box, if not then any one! I love books! :) Thanks for the giveaway!

I'd love the mystery box, but really any of them!

Large box :)
Thanks for the giveaway!

We love reading in our house so any one of the three boxes would be a great choice for us. We LOVE surprises! Thank you for the chance to win!

I'd love any of them, but I don't think anyone has said the medium box yet, so I'd pick that ^_^

Any of them if I win how bout you surprise me?

I'd like the Medium box (if it's INT)

Any box would be great but Mystery is my first choice. Thanks for the chance to win.

Any of them would be fine with me, I'd just be excited to win! (:

The mystery box!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Any of them is fine with me if they ship to Canada!

Oh, the mystery box sounds nice. :) I really like surprises, so I really like how a bunch of people are giving away mystery boxes of books on this hop!

I always love a good mystery! But a book if books is a book of books and I will love any book that makes its way into my home.

I'd be happy with any or them but large box would be my first choice of course!

The large box I guess.....Hard choice though :-)

I love a good surprise so the mystery box would be amazing to win!
Thanks for the amazing giveaway

The one that has paranormal books or vampire

I would love to win the box with many Young Adult books in it <3
thanks for this awesome giveaway! :D

I want to win the large box, lots of horror, paranormal, mystery, romance!

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